Absentee |
tax, the propriety of, considered with reference to Ireland 379 |
Accounts |
of money, in modern Europe, all kept, and the value of goods computed, in silver 16 |
Actors |
public, paid for the contempt attending their profession 44 |
Africa |
cause assigned for the barbarous state of the interior parts of that continent 9 |
African company |
establishment and constitution of 309 |
receive an annual allowance from parliament for forts and garrisons 310 |
the company not under sufficient controul 310 |
history of the Royal African company 311 |
decline of 311 |
Rise of the present company 311 |
Age |
the foundation of rank and precedency in rude as well as civilized societies 297 |
Aggregate fund |
in the British finances, explained 388 |
Agio |
of the bank of Amsterdam explained 194 |
of the bank of Hamburgh 195 |
the agio at Amsterdam, how kept at a medium rate 197 |
Agriculture |
the labour of, does not admit of such subdivisions as manufactures 3 |
this impossibility of separation prevents agriculture from improving equally with manufactures 3 |
natural state of, in a new colony 38 |
requires more knowledge and experience than most mechanical professions, and yet is carried on without any restrictions 53 |
the terms of rent, how adjusted between landlord and tenant 60 |
is extended by good roads and navigable canals 62 |
under what circumstances pasture land is more valuable than arable 63 |
gardening not a very gainful employment 64 |
vines the most profitable article of culture 65 |
estimates of profit from projects very fallacious 65 |
cattle and tillage mutually improve each other 93 |
remarks on that of Scotland 93 |
on that of North America 94 |
poultry, a profitable article in husbandry 94 |
hogs 95 |
dairy 96 |
evidences of land being completely improved 96 |
the extension of cultivation, as it raises the price of animal food, reduces that of vegetables 103 |
by whom and how practised under feudal government 137 |
its operations not so much intended to increase, as to direct the fertility of nature 149 |
has been the cause of the prosperity of the British colonies in America 150 |
the profits of, exaggerated by projectors 154 |
on equal terms, is naturally preferred to trade 156 |
artificers necessary to the carrying it on 156 |
was not attended to by the northern destroyers of the Roman empire 157 |
the ancient policy of Europe unfavourable to 162 |
was promoted by the commerce and manufactures of towns 170 |
the wealth arising from, more solid and durable than that which proceeds from commerce 172 |
is not encouraged by the bounty on the exportation of corn 207 |
why the proper business of new companies 251 |
the present agricultural system of political economy adopted in France, described 275 |
is discouraged by restrictions and prohibitions in trade 279 |
is favoured beyond manufactures in China 282 |
and in Indostan 283 |
does not require so extensive a market as manufactures 284 |
to check manufactures in order to promote agriculture, false policy 285 |
landlords ought to be encouraged to cultivate part of their own land 350 |
Alcavala |
the tax in Spain so called, explained and considered 381 |
the ruin of the Spanish manufactures attributed to this tax 381 |
Alehouses |
the number of, not the efficient cause of drunkenness 148, 200 |
Allodial rights |
mistaken for feudal rights 168 |
the introduction of the feudal law tended to moderate the authority of the allodial lords 168 |
Ambassadors |
the first motive of their appointment 307 |
America |
why labour is dearer in North America than in England 29 |
great increase of population there 29 |
common rate of interest there 38 |
is a new market for the produce of its own silver mines 85 |
improving state of the Spanish colonies there 86 |
account of the paper currency of the British colonies 134 |
cause of the rapid prosperity of the British colonies there 150 |
why manufactures for distant sale have never been established there 156 |
its speedy improvement owing to assistance from foreign capitals 157 |
the purchase and improvement of uncultivated land the most profitable employment of capitals 171 |
commercial alterations produced by the discovery of 181 |
but two civilized nations found on the whole continent 181 |
the wealth of the North American colonies increased, though the balance of trade continued against them 203 |
madeira wine, how introduced there 204 |
historical review of the European settlements in 229 |
of Spain 232, 233 |
of Holland 234 |
of France 234 |
of Britain 234 |
ecclesiastical government in the several European colonies 235 |
fish a principal article of trade from North America to Spain, Portugal, and the Mediterranean 237 |
naval stores to Britain 238 |
little credit due to the policy of Europe from the success of the colonies 242 |
the discovery and colonization of, how far advantageous to Europe 243 |
and to America 243 |
the colonies in, governed by a spirit of monopoly 261 |
the interest of the consumer in Britain sacrificed to that of the producer, by the system of colonization 274 |
plan for extending the British system of taxation, over all the provinces of 397, 398 |
the question, how the Americans could pay taxes without specie, considered 402 |
ought in justice to contribute to discharge the public debt in Britain 402 |
expediency of their union with Britain 403 |
the British empire there a mere project 404 |
Amsterdam |
agio of the bank of, explained 194 |
occasion of its establishment 195 |
advantages attending payments there 195 |
rate demanded for keeping money there 195 |
prices at which bullion and coin are received 196 |
this bank the great warehouse of Europe for bullion 197 |
demands upon, how made and answered 197 |
the agio, how kept at a medium rate 197 |
the treasure of, whether all preserved in its repositories 198 |
the amount of its treasure only to be conjectured 198 |
fees paid to the bank for transacting business 198 |
Annuities |
for terms of years, and for lives, in the British finances, historical account of 389 |
Apothecaries |
the profit on their drugs, unjustly stigmatized as exorbitant 46 |
Apprenticeship |
the nature and intention of this bond of servitude, explained 42 |
the limitations imposed on various trades as to the number of apprentices 50 |
the statute of apprenticeship in England 50 |
apprenticeships in France and Scotland 51 |
general remarks on the tendency and operation of long apprenticeships 51 |
the statute of, ought to be repealed 191 |
Arabs |
their manner of supporting war 289 |
Army |
three different ways by which a nation may maintain one in a distant country 178 |
standing, distinction between and a militia 292 |
historical review of 294 |
the Macedonian army 294 |
carthaginian army 294 |
roman army 294 |
is alone able to perpetuate the civilization of a country 296 |
is the speediest engine for civilizing a barbarous country 296 |
under what circumstances dangerous to, and under what favourable to liberty 296 |
Artificers |
prohibited by law from going to foreign countries 273 |
residing abroad, and not returning on notice, exposed to outlawry 273 |
Asdrubal |
his army greatly improved by discipline 294 |
how defeated 294 |
Assembly |
houses of, in the British colonies, the constitutional freedom of, shewn 240 |
Assize |
of bread and ale, remarks on that statute 75, 77 |
Augustus |
emperor, emancipates the slaves of Vedius Pollio for his cruelty 241 |
Balance |
of annual produce and consumption explained 203 |
may be in favour of a nation, when the balance of trade is against it 203 |
of trade, no certain criterion to determine on which side it turns between two countries 192 |
the current doctrine of, on which most regulations of trade are founded, absurd 199 |
if even, by the exchange of their native commodities, both sides may be gainers 199 |
how the balance would stand if native commodities on one side were paid with foreign commodities on the other 199 |
how the balance stands when commodities are purchased with gold and silver 199, 200 |
the ruin of countries often predicted from the doctrine of an unfavourable balance of trade 202 |
Bankers |
the credit of their notes how established 118 |
the nature of the banking business explained 118, 121 |
the multiplication and competition of bankers, under proper regulations of service to public credit 135 |
Banks |
great increase of trade in Scotland since the establishment of them in the principal towns 120 |
their usual course of business 121 |
consequences of their issuing too much paper 122 |
necessary caution for some time observed by them with regard to giving credit to their customers 124 |
limits of the advances they may imprudently make to traders 125 |
how injured by the practice of drawing and redrawing bills 126, 127 |
history of the Ayr bank 128 |
history of the bank of England 130 |
the nature and public advantage of banks considered 131 |
bankers might carry on their business with less paper 132 |
effects of the optional clauses in the Scotch notes 133 |
origin of their establishment 194 |
bank money explained 195 |
bank of England, the conduct of, in regard to the coinage 226 |
a doubtful question, whether the government of Great Britain is equal to the management of the bank to profit 344 |
Baretti |
his account of the quantity of Portugal gold sent weekly to England 225 |
Barons |
feudal, their power contracted by the grant of municipal privileges 163 |
their extensive authority 168 |
how they lost their authority over their vassals 169 |
and the power to disturb their country 170 |
Barter |
the exchange of one commodity for another, the propensity to, of extensive operation, and peculiar to man 6 |
is not sufficient to carry on the mutual intercourse of mankind 10 |
Batavia |
causes of the prosperity of the Dutch settlement there 263 |
Beaver skins |
review of the policy used in the trade for 273 |
Beef |
cheaper now in London than in the reign of James I. 63 |
compared with the prices of wheat at the corresponding times 64 |
Benefices |
ecclesiastical, the tenure of, why rendered secure 335 |
the power of collating to, how taken from the pope, in England and France 338 |
general equality of, among the presbyterians 340 |
good effects of this equality 340 |
Bengal |
to what circumstances its early improvement in agriculture and manufactures was owing 9 |
present miserable state of the country 30 |
remarks on the high rates of interest there 39 |
oppressive conduct of the English there, to suit their trade in opium 263 |
why more remarkable for the exportation of manufactures than of grain 284 |
Berne |
brief history of the republic of 164 |
establishment of the reformation there 338 |
application of the revenue of the catholic clergy 341 |
derives a revenue from the interest of its treasure 344 |
Bills of Exchange |
punctuality in the payment of, how secured 126 |
the pernicious practice of drawing and redrawing explained 126 |
the arts made use of to disguise this mutual traffic in bills 127 |
Birth |
superiority of, how it confers respect and authority 298 |
Bishops |
the ancient mode of electing them, and how altered 335, 337 |
Body |
natural and political, analogy between 280 |
Bohemia |
account of the tax there on the industry of artificers 366 |
Bounties |
why given in commerce 183 |
on exportation, the policy of granting them considered 205 |
on the exportation of corn 206 |
this bounty imposes two taxes on the people 207 |
evil tendency of this bounty 209 |
the bounty only beneficial to the exporter and importer 209 |
motives of the country gentlemen in granting the bounty 210 |
a trade which requires a bounty, necessarily a losing trade 210 |
tonnage bounties to the fisheries considered 211 |
account of the white-herring fishery 212 |
remarks on other bounties 213 |
a review of the principles on which they are generally granted 267 |
those granted on American produce founded on mistaken policy 268 |
how they affect the consumer 274 |
Bounty |
on the exportation of corn, the tendency of this measure examined 81 |
Bourdeaux |
why a town of great trade 138 |
Brazil |
grew to be a powerful colony under neglect 233 |
the Dutch invaders expelled by the Portuguese colonists 233 |
computed number of inhabitants there 233 |
the trade of the principal provinces oppressed by the Portuguese 236 |
Bread |
its relative value with butcher's meat compared 62, 63 |
Brewery |
reasons for transferring the taxes on to the malt 376 |
Bridges |
how to be erected and maintained 303 |
Britain |
Great, evidences that labour is sufficiently paid for there 30 |
the price of provisions nearly the same in most places 31 |
great variations in the price of labour 31 |
vegetables imported from Flanders in the last century 32 |
historical account of the alterations interest of money has undergone 37 |
double interest deemed a reasonable mercantile profit 40 |
in what respects the carrying trade is advantageous to 152, 153 |
appears to enjoy more of the carrying trade of Europe than it really has 153 |
it is the only country of Europe in which the obligation of purveyance is abolished 161 |
its funds for the support of foreign wars inquired into 178, 179 |
why never likely to be much affected by the free importation of Irish cattle 186 |
nor salt provisions 186 |
could be little affected by the importation of foreign corn 187 |
the policy of the commercial restraints on the trade with France examined 192 |
the trade with France might be more advantageous to each country than that with any other 202 |
why one of the richest countries in Europe, while Spain and Portugal are among the poorest 221 |
review of her American colonies 234 |
the trade of her colonies, how regulated 236 |
distinction between enumerated and non-enumerated commodities explained 237 |
restrains manufactures in America 238, 239 |
indulgences granted to the colonists 239 |
constitutional freedom of her colony government 240 |
the sugar colonies of, worse governed than those of France 241 |
disadvantages resulting from retaining the exclusive trade of tobacco with Maryland and Virginia 244, 245 |
the advantage of the colony trade estimated 247 |
a gradual relaxation of the exclusive trade recommended 250 |
events which have concurred to prevent the ill effects of the loss of the colony trade 250 |
the natural good effects of the colony trade more than counterbalance the bad effects of the monopoly 251 |
to maintain a monopoly, the principal end of the dominion assumed over the colonies 254 |
has derived nothing but loss from this dominion 254 |
is perhaps the only state which has only increased its expenses by extending its empire 256 |
the constitution of, would have been completed by admitting of American representation 258 |
review of the administration of the East India Company 264, 265 |
the interest of the consumer sacrificed to that of the producer in raising an empire in America 274 |
the annual revenue of, compared with its annual rents and interest of capital stock 345, 346 |
the land-tax of, considered 348 |
tithes 352 |
window-tax 357 |
stamp-duties 363, 365 |
poll-taxes in the reign of William III. 367 |
the uniformity of taxation in, favourable to internal trade 382 |
the system of taxation in, compared with that in France 384 |
account of the unfunded debt of 387 |
funded debt 388 |
aggregate and general funds 388 |
sinking fund 389 |
annuities for terms of years and for lives 389 |
perpetual annuities the best transferable stock 391 |
the reduction of the public debts during peace bears no proportion to their accumulation during war 392 |
the trade with the tobacco colonies, how carried on, without the intervention of specie 401 |
the trade with the sugar colonies explained 401 |
ireland and America ought in justice to contribute towards the discharge of her public debts 402 |
how the territorial acquisitions of the East India Company might be rendered a source of revenue 403 |
if no such assistance can be obtained, her only resource pointed out 403 |
Bullion |
the money of the great mercantile republic 179 |
Burghs |
free, the origin of 163 |
to what circumstances they owed their corporate jurisdictions 163 |
why admitted to send representatives to parliament 164 |
are allowed to protect refugees from the country 165 |
Burn |
his observation on the laws relating to the settlements of the poor 58, 59 |
Butcher's meat |
nowhere a necessary of life 370 |
Calvinists |
origin of that sect 339 |
their principles of church government 339 |
Cameron |
of Lochiel, exercised, within thirty years since, a criminal jurisdiction over his own tenants 168 |
Canada |
the French colony there, long under the government of an exclusive company 234 |
but improved speedily after the dissolution of the company 234 |
Canals |
navigable, the advantages of 62 |
how to be made and maintained 303 |
that of Languedoc, the support of, how secured 303 |
may be successfully managed by joint stock companies 317 |
Cantillon |
remarks on his account of the earnings of the labouring poor 28 |
Cape of Good Hope |
causes of the prosperity of the Dutch settlement there 263 |
Capital |
in trade, explained, and how employed 112 |
distinguished into circulating and, fixed capitals 112 |
characteristic of fixed capitals 113 |
the several kinds of fixed capitals specified 113 |
characteristic of circulating capitals, and the several kinds of 114 |
fixed capitals supported by those which are circulating 114 |
circulating capitals how supported 114 |
intention of a fixed capital 116 |
the expense of maintaining the fixed and circulating capitals illustrated 116 |
money, as an article of circulating capital, considered 116 |
money no measure of capital 118 |
what quantity of industry any capital can employ 120 |
capitals, how far they may be extended by paper credit 125 |
must always be replaced with profit by the annual produce of land and labour 136 |
the proportion between capital and revenue regulates the proportion between industry and idleness 138 |
how it is increased or diminished 138 |
national evidences of the increase of 141 |
in what instances private expenses contribute to enlarge the national capital 142 |
the increase of, reduces profits by competition 145 |
the different ways of employing a capital 147 |
how replaced to the different classes of traders 148 |
that employed in agriculture puts into motion a greater quantity of productive labour than any equal capital employed in manufacturers 149 |
that of a manufacturer should reside within the country 150 |
the operation of capitals employed in agriculture, manufactures, and foreign trade compared 150 |
the prosperity of a country depends on the due proportion of its capital applied to these three grand objects 151 |
different returns of capitals employed in foreign trade 152 |
is rather employed in agriculture than in trade and manufactures, on equal terms 155, 156 |
is rather employed in manufactures than in foreign trade 156 |
the natural progress of the employment of 157 |
acquired by trade, is very precarious, until realized by the cultivation and improvement of land 172 |
the employment of, in the different species of trade, how determined 183 |
Capitation taxes |
the nature of, considered 367 |
in England 367 |
in France 367 |
Carriage |
land and water, compared 8 |
water carriage contributes to improve arts and industry in all countries where it can be used 9, 62, 87 |
land, how facilitated and reduced in price by public works 303 |
Carrying trade |
the nature and operation of, examined 152 |
is the symptom, but not the cause of national wealth, and hence points out the two richest countries in Europe 153 |
trades may appear to be carrying trades which are not so 153 |
the disadvantages of, to individuals 183 |
the Dutch, how excluded from being the carriers to Great Britain 187, 188 |
drawbacks of duties originally granted for the encouragement of 205 |
Carthaginian army |
its superiority over the Roman army accounted for 294 |
Cattle and Corn |
their value compared, in the different stages of agriculture 62 |
the price of, reduced by artificial grasses 63 |
to what height the price of cattle may rise in an improving country 92, 93 |
the raising a stock of, necessary for the supply of manure to farms 93 |
cattle must bear a good price to be well fed 93 |
great multiplication of European cattle in America 94 |
are killed in some countries merely for the sake of the hides and tallow 97 |
the market for these articles more extensive than for the carcase 97 |
this market sometimes brought nearer home by the establishment of manufactures 97 |
how the extension of cultivation raises the price of animal food 103 |
is perhaps the only commodity more expensive to transport by sea than by land 186 |
great Britain never likely to be much affected by the free importation of Irish cattle 186 |
Certificates |
parish, the laws relating to, with observations on them 58 |
Child |
Sir Josiah, his observation on trading companies 309 |
Children |
riches unfavourable to the production, and extreme poverty to the raising, of them 33 |
the mortality still greater among those maintained by charity 33 |
China |
to what the early improvement in arts and industry there was owing 9 |
concurrent testimonies of the misery of the lower ranks of the Chinese 30 |
is not, however, a declining country 30 |
high rate of interest of money there 40 |
great state assumed by the grandees 86 |
the price of labour there lower than in the greater mpart of Europe 87 |
silver the most profitable article to send thither 87 |
the proportional value of gold to silver, how rated there 89 |
the value of gold and silver much higher there than in any part of Europe 101 |
agriculture favoured there beyond manufactures 282 |
foreign trade not favoured there 283 |
extension of the home market 283 |
great attention paid to the roads there 305, 306 |
in what the principal revenue of the sovereign consists 353 |
the revenue of, partly raised in kind 353 |
Church |
the richer the church the poorer the state 341 |
amount of the revenue of church of Scotland 342 |
the revenue of the church heavier taxed in Prussia than lay proprietors 351 |
the nature and effect of tithes considered 352 |
Circulation |
the dangerous practice of raising money by, explained 127 |
in traffic, the two different branches of, considered 132 |
Cities |
circumstances which contributed to their opulence 165 |
those of Italy the first that rose to consequence 165 |
the commerce and manufactures of, have occasioned the improvement and cultivation of the country 170 |
Clergy |
a supply of, provided for, by public and private foundations for their education 55 |
curates worse paid than many mechanics 55 |
of an established religion, why unsuccessful against the teachers of a new religion 330 |
why they persecute their adversaries 330 |
the zeal of the inferior clergy of the church of Rome, how kept alive 330 |
utility of ecclesiastical establishments 331 |
how connected with the civil magistrate 331, 332 |
unsafe for the civil magistrate to differ with them 334 |
must be managed without violence 334, 335 |
of the church of Rome, one great army cantoned over Europe 335, 336 |
their power similar to that of the temporal barons during the feudal monkish ages 336 |
how the power of the Romish clergy declined 337 |
evils attending allowing parishes to elect their own ministers 339 |
Clothing |
more plentiful than food in uncultivated countries 68 |
the materials for, the first articles rude nations have to offer 68 |
Coal |
must generally be cheaper than wood to gain the preference for fuel 70 |
the price of, how reduced 70 |
the exportation of, subjected to a duty higher than the prime cost of, at the pit 273 |
the cheapest of all fuel 370 |
the tax on absurdly regulated 370 |
Coal mines |
their different degrees of fertility 70 |
when fertile, are sometimes unprofitable by situation 70 |
the proportion of rent generally paid for 70, 71 |
the machinery necessary to, expensive 112 |
Coal trade |
from Newcastle to London employs more shipping than all the other carrying trade of England 153 |
Cochin China |
remarks on the principal article of cultivation there 66 |
Coin |
stamped, the origin and peculiar advantages of, in commerce 11 |
the different species of, in different ages and countries 11 |
causes of the alterations in the value of 11, 12, 13, 14 |
how the standard coin of different nations came to be of different metals 16 |
a reform in the English coinage suggested 19 |
silver, consequences attending the debasement of 82 |
coinage of France and Britain examined 193 |
why coin is privately melted down 225 |
the mint chiefly employed to keep up the quantity thus diminished 225 |
a duty to pay the coinage would preserve money from being melted or counterfeited 225 |
standard of the gold coin in France 225 |
how a seignorage on coin would operate 226 |
a revenue lost by government defraying the expense of coinage 227 |
amount of the annual coinage before the late reformation of the gold coin 227 |
the law for the encouragement of, founded on prejudice 227 |
consequences of raising the denomination as an expedient to facilitate the payment of public debts 395 |
adulteration of 397 |
Colbert |
M., the policy of his commercial regulations disputed 189, 275 |
his character 275 |
Colleges |
cause of the depreciation of their money rents inquired into 14 |
the endowments of, from whence they generally arise 318 |
whether they have in general answered the purposes of their institution 318 |
these endowments have diminished the necessity of application in the teachers 319 |
the privileges of graduates by residence, and charitable foundation of scholarships, injurious to collegiate education 320 |
discipline of 320 |
Colliers and Coal-heavers |
their high earnings accounted for 43 |
Colonies |
new, the natural progress of 38 |
modern, the commercial advantages derived from them 183 |
ancient, on what principles founded 227, 228 |
ancient Grecian colonies not retained under subjection to the parent states 228 |
distinction between the Roman and Greek colonies 228 |
circumstances that led to the establishment of European colonies in the East Indies and America 228 |
the East Indies discovered by Vasco de Gama 229 |
the West, Indies discovered by Columbus 229 |
gold the object of the first Spanish enterprises there 230 |
and of all those of all other European nations 231 |
causes of the prosperity of new colonies 231 |
rapid progress of the ancient Greek colonies 232 |
the Roman colonies slow in improvement 232 |
the remoteness of America and the West Indies greatly in favour of the European colonies there 232 |
review of the British American colonies 234 |
expense of the civil establishments in British America 235 |
ecclesiastical government 235 |
general view of the restraints laid upon the trade of the European colonies 236 |
the trade of the British colonies, how regulated 236 |
the different kinds of non-enumerated commodities specified 237 |
enumerated commodities 238 |
restraints upon their manufactures 238 |
indulgences granted them by Britain 239 |
were free in every other respect except as to their foreign trade 240 |
little credit due to the policy of Europe from the success of the colonies 242 |
throve by the disorder and injustice of the European governments 242 |
have contributed to augment the industry of all the countries of Europe 243 |
exclusive privileges of trade a dead weight upon all these exertions both in Europe and America 243 |
have in general been a source of expense instead of revenue to their mother countries 244 |
have only benefited their mother countries by the exclusive trade carried on with them 244 |
consequences of the navigation act 245 |
the advantage of the colony trade to Britain estimated 247 |
a gradual relaxation of the exclusive commerce recommended 250 |
events which have prevented Britain from sensibly feeling the loss of the colony trade 250 |
the effects of the colony trade, and the monopoly of that trade, distinguished 250 |
to maintain a monopoly, the principal end of the dominion Great Britain assumes over the colonies 254 |
amount of the ordinary peace establishment of 254 |
the two late wars Britain sustained, colony wars, to support a monopoly 254 |
two modes by which they might be taxed 255 |
their assemblies not likely to tax them 255 |
taxes by parliamentary requisition as little likely to be raised 256 |
representatives of, might he seated into the British parliament with good effect 257 |
answer to objections against American representation 258 |
the interest of the consumer in Britain sacrificed to that of the producer in raising an empire in America 274 |
Columbus |
the motive that led to his discovery of Americas 229 |
why he gave the name of Indies to the islands he discovered 229 |
his triumphal exhibition of their productions 230 |
Columella |
his instructions for fencing a kitchen garden 64 |
advises the planting of vineyards 65 |
Commerce |
the different common standards or mediums made use of to facilitate the exchange of commodities in the early stages of 10 |
origin of money 10 |
definition of the term value 12 |
treaties of, though advantageous to the merchants and manufacturers of the favoured countries, necessarily, disadvantageous to those of the favouring country 222 |
Methuen 223 |
restraints laid upon the European colonies in America 236 |
the present splendour of the mercantile system owing to the discovery and colonization of America 259 |
review of the plan by which it proposes to enrich a country 266 |
the interest of the consumer constantly sacrificed to that of the producer 274 |
Commodities |
the barter of, insufficient for the mutual supply of the wants of mankind 10 |
metals found to be the best medium to facilitate the exchange of 10 |
labour an invariable standard for the value of 14 |
real and nominal prices of, distinguished 14 |
component parts of the prices of, explained and illustrated 21 |
natural and market prices of, distinguished and how regulated 23 |
the price of rude produce, how affected by the advance of wealth and improvement 91, 92 |
foreign are primarily purchased with the produce of domestic industry 151 |
when advantageously exported in a rude state, even by a foreign capital 156 |
the quantity of, in every country, naturally regulated by the demand 176 |
wealth in goods, and in money, compared 177 |
exportation of, to a proper market, always attended with more profit than that of gold and silver 179 |
the natural advantages of countries in particular productions sometimes not possible to struggle against 185 |
Company |
mercantile, incapable of consulting their true interests when they become sovereigns 264 |
an exclusive company a public nuisance 265 |
trading, how first formed 307 |
regulated and joint-stock companies distinguished 307 |
regulated companies in Great Britain specified 307, 308 |
are useless 308 |
constant view of such companies 308 |
forts and garrisons, why never maintained by regulated companies 309 |
the nature of joint-stock companies explained 310, 311, 316 |
a monopoly necessary to enable a joint-stock company to carry on a foreign trade 317 |
what kind of joint-stock companies need no exclusive privileges 317 |
joint-stock companies, why well adapted to the trade of banking 317 |
the trade of insurance may be carried on successfully by a joint-stock company 317 |
also, inland navigations, and the supply of water to a great city 317 |
ill success of joint-stock companies in other undertakings 318 |
Competition |
the effect of, in the purchase of commodities 23 |
among the venders 23, 37 |
Concordat |
in France, its object 337 |
Congress |
American, its strength owing to the important characters it confers on the members of it 257 |
Conversion price |
in the payment of rents in Scotland, explained 76, 77 |
Copper |
the standard measure of value among the ancient Romans 16 |
is no legal tender in England 16 |
Cori |
Domingo, described 229 |
Corn |
the raising of, in different countries, not subject to the same degree of rivalship, as manufactures 3, 4 |
is the best standard for reserved rents 14 |
the price of, how regulated 15 |
the price of, the best standard for comparing the different values of particular commodities at different times and places 16 |
the three component parts in the price of 21 |
is dearer in Scotland than in England 31 |
its value compared with that of butcher's meat, in the different periods of agriculture 62 |
compared with silver 75 |
circumstances in a historical view of the prices of corn that have misled writers in treating of the value of silver at different periods 76 |
is always a more accurate measure of value than any other commodity 79 |
why dearer in great towns than in the country 80 |
why dearer in some rich commercial countries, as Holland and Genoa 80 |
rose in its nominal price on the discovery of the American mines 81 |
and in consequence of the civil war under king Charles I. 81 |
and in consequence of the bounty on the exportation of 82 |
tendency of the bounty examined 83 |
chronological table of the prices of 108 |
the least profitable article of growth in the British West Indian colonies 159 |
the restraints formerly laid upon the trade of, unfavourable to the cultivation of land 162 |
the free importation of, could little affect the farmers of Great Britain 187 |
the policy of the bounty on the exportation of, examined 206 |
the reduction in the price of, not produced by the bounty 206 |
tillage not encouraged by the bounty 206 |
the money price of, regulates that of all other home-made commodities 207 |
illustration 208 |
ill effects of the bounty 208 |
motives of the country gentlemen in granting the bounty 209 |
the natural value of not to be altered by altering the money price 210 |
the four several branches of the corn trade specified 213 |
the inland dealer, for his own interest, will not raise the price of, higher than the scarcity of the season requires 213 |
corn a commodity the least liable to be monopolised 214 |
the inland dealers too numerous and dispersed to form a general combination 214 |
dearths, never artificial, but when government interferes improperly to prevent them 214 |
the freedom of the corn trade the best security against a famine 215 |
old English statute to prohibit the corn trade 215 |
consequences of farmers being forced to become corn dealers 215 |
the use of corn dealers to the farmers 216 |
the prohibitory statute against the corn trade softened 217 |
but still under the influence of popular prejudices 217, 218 |
the average quantity imported and exported compared with the consumption and annual produce 218 |
tendency of a free importation of 219 |
the home-market the most important one for corn 219 |
for regulating the importation of wheat, confessed by the suspension of its execution by temporary statutes 219 |
note 219 |
the home-market indirectly supplied by the exportation of corn 219 |
how a liberal system of free exportation and importation and among all nations would operate 220 |
the laws concerning corn, similar to those relating to religion 221 |
the home-market supplied by the carrying trade 221 |
the system of laws connected with the establishment of the bounty, undeserving of praise 221 |
by what authority erected 50, 52 |
the advantages they derive from the surrounding country 52 |
check the operations of competition 54 |
their internal regulations combinations against the public 54 |
are injurious even to the members of them 54 |
the laws of, obstruct the free circulation of labour from one employment to another 57 |
origin of 163 |
are exempted by their privileges from the power of the feudal barons 164 |
the European East India companies disadvantageous to the eastern commerce 181, 182 |
the exclusive privileges of corporations ought to be destroyed 191 |
Cottagers |
in Scotland, their situation described 49 |
are cheap manufacturers of stockings 49 |
the diminution of, in England, considered 95 |
Coward |
character of 329 |
Crusades |
to the Holy land, favourable to the revival of commerce 165 |
Currency of states |
remarks on 194 |
Customs |
the motives and tendency of drawbacks from the duties of 203 |
the revenue of the customs increased by drawbacks 205 |
occasion of first imposing the duties of 307 |
origin of those duties 371 |
three ancient branches of 372 |
drawbacks of 372 |
are regulated according to the mercantile system 372, 373 |
frauds practised to obtain drawbacks and bounties 373 |
the duties of, in many instances uncertain 373 |
improvement of, suggested 374 |
computation of the expense of collecting them 380 |
Dairy |
the business of, generally carried on as a save-all 96 |
circumstances which impede or promote the attention to it 96 |
english and Scotch dairies 96 |
Danube |
the navigation of that river, why of little use to the interior parts of the country from whence it flows 9 |
Davenant |
his objections to the transferring the duties on beer to the malt considered 377 |
Dearths |
never caused by combinations among the dealers in corn, but by some general calamity 214 |
the free exercise of the corn trade the best palliative against the inconveniencies of a dearth 217 |
corn dealers the best friends to the people at such seasons 218 |
Debts |
public, the origin of, traced 386 |
are accelerated by the expenses attending war 386 |
account of the unfunded debt of Great Britain 387 |
the funded debt 388 |
aggregate and general funds 389 |
sinking fund 389 |
annuities for terms of years and for lives 389 |
the reduction of, during peace, bears no proportion to its accumulation during war 391 |
the plea of the interest being no burden to the nation considered 394 |
are seldom fairly paid when accumulated to a certain degree 396 |
might easily be discharged, by extending the British system of taxation over all the provinces of the empire 397 |
ireland and America ought to contribute to discharge the public debts of Britain 402 |
Decker |
Sir Matthew, his observations on the accumulation of taxes 369 |
his proposal for transferring all taxes to the consumer, by annual payments, considered 371 |
Demand |
though the increase of, may at first raise the price of goods, it never fails to reduce it afterwards 314 |
Denmark |
account of the settlements of, in the West Indies 234 |
Diamonds |
the mines of, not always worth working for 73 |
Discipline |
the great importance of, in war 293 |
instances of 293 |
Diversions |
public, their political use 334 |
Domingo |
mistaken by Columbus for a part of the East Indies 229 |
its principal productions 229 |
the natives soon stripped of all their gold 230 |
historical view of the French colony there 234 |
Doomsday-book |
the intention of that compilation 351 |
Dorians |
ancient, where the colonies of, settled 227 |
Dramatic exhibitions |
the political use of 334 |
Drawbacks |
in commerce, explained 182 |
the motives to, and tendency of, explained 203 |
on wines, currants, and wrought silks 203 |
on tobacco and sugar 204 |
on wines, particularly considered 204 |
were originally granted to encourage the carrying trade 205 |
the revenue of the customs increased by them 205 |
drawbacks allowed in favour of the colonies 213 |
Drugs |
regulations of their importation and exportation 272 |
Drunkenness |
the motive to this vice inquired into 200 |
Dutch |
their settlements in America slow in in improvement, because under the government of an exclusive company 234 |
their East India trade checked by monopoly 261 |
East India company |
a monopoly against the very nation in which it is erected 261 |
the operation of such a company in a poor and in a rich country compared 261 |
that country whose capital is not large enough to extend to such a distant trade ought not to engage in it 262 |
the mercantile habits of trading companies render them incapable of consulting their true interests when they become sovereigns 264 |
the genius of the administration of the English company 264 |
subordinate practices of their agents and clerks 265 |
the bad conduct of agents in India owing to their situation 265 |
such an exclusive company a nuisance in every respect 266 |
brief review of their history 313 |
their privileges invaded 313 |
a rival company formed 313 |
the two companies united 314 |
are infected by the spirit of war and conquest 314 |
agreements between the company and government 314 |
interference of government in their territorial administration 315 |
and in the direction at home 315 |
why unfit to govern a great empire 315 |
their sovereign and commercial characters incompatible 344 |
how the territorial acquisitions of, might be rendered a source of revenue 403 |
East Indies |
representation of the miserable state of the provinces of, under the English government there 30 |
historical view of the European trade with those countries 86 |
rice countries more populous and rich than corn countries 86 |
the real price of labour lower in China and Indostan than in the greater part of Europe 87 |
gold and silver the most profitable commodities to carry thither 87 |
the proportional value of gold to silver, how rated there 89 |
great extension of foreign commerce by the discovery of a passage to, round the Cape of Good Hope 181 |
historical review of the intercourse with 181, 182 |
effect of the annual exportation of silver to, from Europe 182 |
the trade with, chiefly carried on by exclusive companies 261 |
tendency of their monopolies 261 |
Economists |
sect of, in France, their political tenets 275 |
Edinburgh |
its present share of trade owing to the removal of the court and parliament 138 |
Education |
the principal cause of the various talents observable in different men 7 |
those parts of, for which there are no public institutions, generally the best taught 320 |
in universities, a view of 323 |
of travelling for 324 |
course of, in the republics of ancient Greece 324 |
in ancient Rome 324 |
the ancient teachers superior to those in modern times 326 |
public institutions injurious to good education 326 |
inquiry how far the public ought to attend to the education of the people 327 |
the different opportunities of education in the different ranks of the people 328 |
the advantages of proper attention in the state to the education of the people 329 |
Egypt |
the first country in which agriculture and manufactures appear to have been cultivated 9 |
agriculture was greatly favoured there 283 |
was long the granary of the Roman empire 284 |
Ejectment |
action of, in England, when invented, and its operation 160 |
Employments |
the advantages and disadvantages of the different kinds of, in the same neighbourhood, continually tend to equality 41 |
the differences or inequalities among, specified 41 |
the constancy or precariousness of, influences the rate of wages 43 |
England |
the dates of its several species of coinage, silver, gold, and copper 16 |
why labour is cheaper there than in North America 29 |
the rate of population in both countries compared 29 |
the produce and labour of, have gradually increased from the earliest accounts in history, while writers are representing the country as rapidly declining 141 |
enumeration of obstructions and calamities which the prosperity of the country has surmounted 141 |
circumstances that favour commerce and manufactures 171 |
laws in favour of agriculture 171 |
why formerly unable to carry on foreign wars of long duration 180 |
why the commerce with France has been subjected to so many discouragements 202 |
foundation of the enmity between these countries 202 |
translation of the commercial treaty concluded in 1703 with Portugal 223 |
inquiry into the value of the trade with Portugal 223, 224 |
might procure gold without the Portugal trade 224 |
consequences of securing the colony trade by the navigation act 245 |
Entails |
the law of, prevents the division of land by alienation 157 |
intention of 158 |
Europe |
general review of the several nations of, as to their improvement since the discovery of America 85 |
the two richest countries in, enjoy the greatest shares of the carrying trade 153 |
inquiry into the advantages derived by, from the discovery and colonization of America 243 |
the particular advantages derived by each colonizing country 244 |
and by others which have no colonies 259 |
Exchange |
the operation of, in the commercial intercourse of different countries 174 |
the course of, an uncertain criterion of the balance of trade between two countries 192, 193 |
is generally in favour of those countries which pay in bank money, against those which pay in common currency 198 |
Excise |
the principal objects of 371 |
the duties of, more clear and distinct than the customs 373 |
affects only a few articles of the most general consumption 373 |
the scheme of Sir Robert Walpole defended 375 |
the excise upon home-made fermented and spiritous liquors the most productive 376 |
expense of levying excise duties computed 380 |
the laws of, more vexatious than those of the customs 381 |
Exercise |
military, alteration in, produced by the invention of fire-arms 292 |
Expenses |
private, how they influence the national capital 33 |
advantage of bestowing them on durable commodities 33 |
Export trade |
the principles of, explained 153 |
when rude produce may be advantageously exported, even by a foreign capital 156, 157 |
why encouraged by European nations 182, 183 |
by what means promoted 183 |
the motives to, and tendency of, drawbacks of duties 203 |
the grants of bounties on, considered 205 |
exportation of the materials of manufactures, review of the restraints and prohibitions of 268 |
Fairs |
public, in Scotland, the nature of the institution, explained 76, 77 |
Faith |
articles of, how regulated by the civil magistrate 354 |
Families |
seldom remain on large estates many generations in commercial countries 170 |
Farmers |
of the public revenue, their character 383, 391 |
Farmers of land |
the several articles that compose their gain distinguished 22 |
require more knowledge and experience than the generality of manufacturers 53 |
in what their capitals consist 112 |
the great quantity of productive labour put into motion by their capitals 149 |
artificers necessary to them 156 |
their situation better in England than in any other part of Europe 160 |
labour under great disadvantages everywhere 161 |
origin of long leases of farms 170 |
are a class of men least subject to the wretched spirit of monopoly 187 |
were forced by old statutes to become the only dealers in corn 215 |
could not sell corn cheaper than any other corn merchant 216 |
could seldom sell it so cheap 216 |
the culture of land obstructed by this division of their capitals 217 |
the use of corn-dealers to the farmers 217 |
how they contribute to the annual production of the land, according to the French agricultural system of political economy 275 |
Feudal government |
miserable state of the occupiers of land under 137 |
trade and interest of money under 137 |
chiefs, their power 157 |
slaves, their situation 159 |
tenures of land 159 |
taxation 161 |
original poverty and servile state of the tradesmen in towns 162 |
immunities seldom granted but for valuable considerations 163 |
origin of free burghs 163 |
the power of the barons reduced by municipal privileges 163 |
the cause and effect of ancient hospitality 167 |
extensive power of the ancient barons 168 |
was not established in England until the Norman conquest 168 |
was silently subverted by manufactures and commerce 169 |
Feudal wars |
how supported 290 |
military exercises not well attended to, under 291 |
standing armies gradually introduced to supply the place of the feudal militia 295 |
account of the casualties or taxes under 363 |
revenues under, how enjoyed by the great landholders 385 |
Fines |
for the renewal of leases, the motive for exacting them, and their tendency 349 |
Fire-arms |
alteration in the art of war effected by the invention of 292, 295 |
the invention of, favourable to the extension of civilisation 296 |
Fish |
the component parts of the price of, explained 21 |
the multiplication of, at market, by human industry, both limited and uncertain 99 |
how an increase of demand raises the price of fish 100 |
Fisheries |
observations on the tonnage bounties granted to 211 |
the boat fishery ruined by this bounty 212 |
Flanders |
the ancient commercial prosperity of, perpetuated by the solid improvements of agriculture 172 |
Flax |
the component parts of the price of, explained 21 |
Fleetwood |
Bishop, remarks on his Chronicon Pretiosum 77, 78 |
Flour |
the component parts of the price of, explained 21 |
Food |
will always purchase as much labor as it can maintain on the spot 61 |
bread and butcher's meat compared 62, 63 |
is the original source of every other production 69 |
the abundance of, constitutes the principal part of the riches of the world, and gives the principal value to many other kinds of riches 73 |
Forestalling and engrossing |
the popular fear of, like the suspicions of witchcraft 218 |
Forts |
when necessary for the protection of commerce 306 |
France |
fluctuations in the legal rate of interest for money there during the course of the present century 37, 38 |
remarks on the trade and riches of 38 |
the nature of apprenticeships there 51 |
the propriety of restraining the planting of vineyards examined 65 |
variations in the price of grain there 73 |
the money price of labour has sunk gradually with the money price of corn 84 |
foundation of the Mississippi scheme 130 |
little trade or industry to be found in the parliament towns of 138 |
description of the class of farmers called metayers 159 |
laws relating to the tenure of land 161 |
services formerly exacted besides rent 161 |
the taille, what, and in operation in checking the cultivation of land 161 |
origin of the magistrates and councils of cities 164 |
no direct legal encouragement given to agriculture 171 |
Colbert's commercial regulations 189 |
french goods heavily taxed in Great Britain 192 |
the commercial intercourse between France and England, now chiefly carried on by smugglers 192 |
the policy of the commercial restraints between France and Britain considered 192 |
state of the coinage there 194 |
why the commerce with England has been subjected to discouragement 202 |
foundation of the enmity between these countries 202 |
remarks concerning the seignorage on coin 225 |
standard of the gold coin there 225 |
the trade of the French colonies, how regulated 237 |
the government of the colonies conducted with moderation 241 |
the sugar colonies of, better governed than those of Britain 241 |
the kingdom of, how taxed 256 |
the members of the league fought more in defence of their own importance than for any other cause 258 |
under what direction the funds for the repair of the roads are placed 305 |
general state of the roads 305 |
the universities badly governed 319 |
remarks on the management of the parliaments of 335 |
measures taken in, to reduce the power of the clergy 337 |
account of the mode of rectifying the inequalities of the predial taille in the generality of Montauban 352 |
the personal taille explained 360 |
the inequalities in, how remedied 361 |
how the personal taille discourages cultivation 361 |
the vingtieme 362 |
stamp duties and the controle 364, 365 |
the capitation tax, how rated 367 |
restraints upon the interior trade of the country by the local variety of the revenue laws 382 |
the duties on tobacco and salt, how levied 383 |
the different sources of revenue in 384 |
how the finances of, might be reformed 384 |
the French system of taxation compared with that in Britain 384 |
the nature of tontines explained 390 |
estimate of the whole national debt of 390 |
Frugality |
generally a predominating principle in human nature 140 |
Fuller's earth |
the exportation of why prohibited 271 |
Funds |
British, brief historical view of 387 |
operation of, politically considered 393 |
the practice of funding has gradually enfeebled every state that has adopted it 395 |
Fur trade |
the first principles of 68 |
Gama |
Vasco de, the first European who discovered a naval track to the East Indies 229 |
Gardening |
the gains from, distinguished into the component parts 22 |
not a profitable employment 64 |
General |
fund in the British finances explained 389 |
Genoa |
why corn is dear in the territory of 80 |
Glasgow |
the trade of, doubled in fifteen years, by erecting banks there 120 |
why a city of greater trade than Edinburgh 138 |
Gold |
not the standard value in England 16 |
its value measured by silver 17 |
reformation of the gold coin 17 |
mint price of gold in England 17 |
the working the mines of, in Peru, very unprofitable 71 |
qualities for which this metal is valued 72 |
the proportionate value of, to silver, how rated before and after the discovery of the American mines 89 |
is cheaper in the Spanish market than silver 90 |
great quantities of, remitted annually from Portugal to England 223 |
why little of it remains in England 223 |
is always to be had for its value 224 |
Gold and Silver |
the prices of, how affected by the increase of the quantity of the metals 79 |
are commodities that naturally seek the best market 80 |
are metals of the least value among the poorest nations 80 |
the increase in the quantity of, by means of wealth and improvement, has no tendency to diminish their value 81 |
the annual consumption of those metals very considerable 87 |
annual importation of, into Spain and Portugal 88 |
are not likely to multiply beyond the demand 88 |
the durability of, the cause of the steadiness of their price 88 |
on what circumstances the quantity of, in every particular country, depends 100 |
the low value of these metals in a country no evidence of its wealth, nor their high value of its poverty 101 |
if not employed at home, will be sent abroad notwithstanding all prohibitions 139 |
the reason why European nations have studied to accumulate these metals 174 |
commercial arguments in favour of their exportation 174 |
these and all other commodities are mutually the prices of each other 175 |
the quantity of, in every country, regulated by the effectual demand 176 |
why the prices of these metals do not fluctuate so much as those of other commodities 176 |
to preserve a due quantity of, in a country, no proper object of attention for the government 176 |
the accumulated gold and silver in a country distinguished into three parts 178 |
a great quantity of bullion alternately exported and imported for the purposes of foreign trade 179 |
annual amount of these metals imported into Spain and Portugal 180 |
the importation of, not the principal benefit derived from foreign trade 181 |
the value of, how affected by the discovery of the American mines 181 |
and by the passage round the Cape of Good Hope to the East Indies 181 |
effect of the annual exportation of silver to the East Indies 182 |
the commercial means pursued to increase the quantity of these metals in a country 182, 192 |
bullion, how received and paid at the bank of Amsterdam 195 |
at what prices 196 |
a trading country without mines not likely to be exhausted by an annual exportation of these metals 200 |
the value of, in Spain and Portugal, depreciated by restraining the exportation of them 208 |
are not imported for the purposes of plate or coin, but for foreign trade 224 |
the search after mines of, the most ruinous of all projects 230 |
are valuable because scarce and difficult to be procured 231 |
Gorgias |
evidence of the wealth he acquired by teaching 56 |
Government |
civil, indispensibly necessary for the security of private property 297 |
subordination in society, by what means introduced 297 |
inequality of fortune introduces civil government for its preservation 299 |
the administration of justice a source of revenue in early times 299 |
why government ought not to have the management of turnpikes 304 |
nor of other public works 306 |
want of parsimony during peace imposes a necessity of contracting debts, to carry on a war 386 |
origin of a national debt 386 |
progression of public debts 386 |
war, why generally agreeable to the people 391 |
Governors |
political, the greatest spendthrifts in society 142 |
Grasses |
artificial, tend to reduce the price of butcher's meat 63 |
Graziers |
subject to monopolies obtained by manufactures to their prejudice 271 |
Greece |
foreign trade promoted in several of the ancient states of 284 |
military exercises a part of general education 291 |
soldiers not a distinct profession in 291 |
course of education in the republics of 324 |
the morals of the Greeks inferior to those of the Romans 324 |
schools of the philosophers and rhetoricians 325 |
law no science among the Greeks 325 |
courts, of justice 325 |
the martial spirit of the people, how supported 329 |
Greek colonies |
how distinguished from Roman colonies 227, 228 |
rapid progress of these colonies 232 |
Greek language |
how introduced as a part of university education 322 |
philosophy, the three great branches of 322 |
Ground rents |
great variations of, according to situation 354 |
are a more proper subject of taxation, than houses 355 |
Gum senega |
review of the regulations imposed on the trade for 272 |
Gunpowder |
great revolution effected in the art of war by the invention of 292, 296 |
this invention favourable to the extension of civilization 296 |
Gustavus Vasa |
how enabled to establish the Reformation in Sweden 338 |
Hamburgh |
agio of the bank of, explained 195 |
sources of the revenue of that city 343, 344 |
the inhabitants of, how taxed to the state 359 |
Hamburgh company |
some account of 308 |
Hanseatic league |
causes that rendered it formidable 164 |
why no vestige remains of the wealth of the Hans towns 172 |
Hearth money |
why abolished in England 356, 357 |
Henry VIII. |
of England, prepares the way for the Reformation, by shutting out the authority of the pope 338 |
Herring buss bounty |
remarks on 211 |
fraudulent claims of the bounty 211 |
the boat fishery the most natural and profitable 212 |
account of the British white herring fishery 212 |
account of the busses fitted out in Scotland, the amount of their cargoes, and the bounties on them 287 |
Hides |
the produce of rude countries commonly carried to a distant market 97 |
price of, in England three centuries ago 98 |
salted hides inferior to fresh ones 98, 99 |
the price of, how affected by circumstances in cultivated and in uncultivated countries 99 |
Highlands of Scotland |
interesting remarks on the population of 33 |
military character of the Highlanders 293 |
Hobbes |
remarks on his definition of wealth 13 |
Hogs |
circumstances which render their flesh cheap or dear 95 |
Holland |
observations on the riches, and trade of the republic of 38 |
not to follow some business unfashionable there 40 |
cause of the dearness of corn there 80 |
enjoys the greatest share in the carrying trade of Europe 153 |
how the Dutch were excluded from being the carriers to Great Britain 188 |
is a country that prospers under the heaviest taxation 189 |
account of the bank of Amsterdam 194, 195 |
this republic derives even its subsistence from foreign trade 202, 203 |
tax paid on houses there 356 |
account of the tax upon successions 363 |
stamp duties 364 |
high amount of the taxes in 370, 384 |
its prosperity depends on the republican form of government 385 |
Honoraries |
from pupils to teachers in colleges tendency of, to quicken their diligence 319 |
Hose |
in the time of Edward IV., how made 104 |
Hospitality |
ancient, the cause and effect of 169, 385 |
House |
different acceptations of the term in England, and some other countries 49 |
houses considered as part of the national stock 113 |
houses produce no revenue 113 |
the rent of, distinguished into two parts 354 |
operation of a tax upon house rent, payable by the tenant 354 |
house rent, the best test of the tenant's circumstances 355 |
proper regulation of a tax on 355 |
how taxed in Holland 356 |
hearth money 356 |
window tax 357 |
Hudson's Bay company |
the nature of their establishment and trade 312 |
their profits not so high as has been reported 312 |
Hunters |
war, how supported by a nation of 289 |
cannot be very numerous 290 |
no established administration of justice needful among them 297 |
age the sole foundation of rank and precedency among 297 |
no considerable inequality of fortune or subordination to be found among them 298 |
no hereditary honours in such a society 298 |
Husbandmen |
war, how supported by a nation of 290 |
Idleness |
unfashionable in Holland 40 |
Importation |
why restraints have been imposed on, with the two kinds of 182 |
how restrained to secure a monopoly of the home market to domestic industry 183 |
the true policy of these restraints doubtful 183 |
how far it may be proper to continue the free importation of certain foreign goods 189 |
how far it may be proper to restore the free importation of goods, after it has been interrupted 189 |
of the materials of manufacture, review of the legal encouragements given to 266 |
Independents |
the principles of that sect, explained 332 |
Indostan |
the several classes of people there kept distinct 283 |
the natives of, how prevented from undertaking long sea voyages 283 |
Industry |
the different kinds of, seldom dealt impartially with by any nation 1, 2 |
the species of, frequently local 8 |
naturally suited to the demand 24 |
is increased by the liberal reward of labour 34 |
how affected by seasons of plenty and scarcity 34, 35 |
is more advantageously exerted in towns than in the country 53 |
the average produce of, always suited to the average consumption 79 |
is promoted by the circulation of paper money 119 |
three requisites to putting industry in motion 120 |
how the general character of nations is estimated by 137 |
and idleness, the proportion between, how regulated 137 |
is employed for subsistence before it extends to conveniencies and luxury 155 |
whether the general industry of a society is promoted by commercial restraints on importation 183 |
private interest naturally points to that employment most advantageous to the society 183 |
but without intending or knowing it 184 |
legal regulations of private industry dangerous assumptions of power 185 |
domestic industry ought not to be employed on what can be purchased cheaper from abroad 185 |
of the society, can augment only in proportion as its capital augments 185 |
when it may be necessary to impose some burden upon foreign industry to favour that at home 187 |
the free exercise of industry ought to be allowed to all 191 |
the natural effort of every individual to better his condition, will, if unrestrained, result in the prosperity of the society 221 |
Insurance |
from fire and sea risks, the nature and profits of examined 45 |
the trade of insurance may be successfully carried on by a joint-stock company 317, 318 |
Interest |
landed, monied, and trading, distinguished 144 |
for the use of money, the foundation of that allowance explained 22 |
historical view of the alterations of, in England, and other countries 37 |
remarks on the high rates of, in Bengal 39 |
and in China 40 |
may be raised by defective laws, independent on the influence of wealth or poverty 40 |
the lowest ordinary rate of, must somewhat more than compensate occasional losses 40 |
the common relative proportion between interest and mercantile profits inquired into 40 |
was not lowered, in consequence of the discovery of the American mines 145 |
how the legal rate of, ought to be fixed 146 |
consequences of its being fixed too high or too low 146, 147 |
the market rate of, regulates the price of land 147 |
whether a proper object of taxation 357 |
Ireland |
why never likely to furnish cattle to the prejudice of Great Britain 186 |
the proposed absentee tax there considered 379 |
ought in justice to contribute towards the discharge of the public debt of Great Britain 402 |
expediency of an union with Great Britain 402 |
Isocrates |
the handsome income he made by teaching 56 |
Italy |
the only great country in Europe which has been cultivated and improved in every part by means of its foreign commerce 172 |
was originally colonized by the Dorians 227 |
Jamaica |
the returns of trade from that island, why irregular 402 |
Jurisdictions |
territorial, did not originate in the feudal law 168 |
Justice |
the administration of, a duty of the sovereign 297 |
in early times a source of revenue to him 299 |
the making justice subservient to the revenue a source of great abuses 299 |
is never administered gratis 300 |
the whole administration of, but an inconsiderable part of the expense of government 300 |
how the whole expense of justice might be defrayed from the fees of court 300 |
the interference of the jurisdictions of the several English courts of law accounted for 301 |
law language, how corrupted 302 |
the judicial and executive power, why divided 302 |
by whom the expense of administration of, ought to be borne 342 |
Kalm |
the Swedish traveller, his account of the husbandry of the British colonies in North America 94 |
Kelp |
a rent demanded for the rocks on which it grows 61 |
King |
his account of the average price of wheat 83 |
under feudal institutions, no more than the greatest baron in the nation 168 |
treasure-trove an important branch of revenue to 385, 386 |
his situation, how favourable for the accumulating treasure 386 |
in a commercial country, naturally spends his revenue in luxuries 386 |
is hence driven to call upon his subjects for extraordinary aids 386 |
Kings |
and their ministers the greatest spendthrifts in a country 149 |
Labour |
the fund which originally supplies every nation with its annual consumption 1 |
how the proportion between labour and consumption in regulated 1 |
the different kinds of industry seldom dealt impartially with by any nation 2 |
the division of labour considered 2, 3 |
this division increases the quantity of work 4 |
instances in illustration 5 |
the divisibility of governed by the market 8 |
labour the real measure of the exchangeable value of commodities 12 |
different kinds of, not easily estimated by immediate comparison 13 |
is compared by the intermediate standard of money 13 |
in an invariable standard for the value of commodities 14 |
has a real and a nominal price 14 |
the quantity of labour employed on different objects, the only rule for exchanging them in the rude stages of society 20 |
difference between the wages of labour and profits on stock in manufactures 20 |
the whole labour of a country never exerted 22 |
is in every instance suited to the demand 24 |
the effect of extraordinary calls for 25 |
the deductions made from the produce of labour employed upon land 27 |
why dearer in North America than in England 29 |
is cheap in countries that are stationary 29 |
the demand for, would continually decrease, in a declining country 30 |
the province of Bengal cited as an instance 30 |
is not badly paid for in Great Britain 30, 31 |
an increasing demand for, favourable to population 33 |
that of freemen cheaper to the employers than that of slaves 33 |
the money price of, how regulated 36 |
is liberally rewarded in new colonies 38 |
common labour and skilful labour distinguished 42 |
the free circulation of, from one employment to another, obstructed by corporation laws 57 |
the unequal prices of, in different places, probably owing to the law of settlements 59 |
can always procure subsistence on the spot, where it is purchased 61 |
the money price of, in different countries, how governed 80 |
is set into motion by stock employed for profit 106 |
the division of, depends on the accumulation of stock 111 |
machines to facilitate labour advantageous to society 116 |
productive and unproductive distinguished 135 |
various orders of men specified whose labour in unproductive 136 |
unproductive labourers all maintained by revenue 136 |
the price of, how raised by the increase of the national capital 145 |
its price, though nominally raised, may continue the same 146 |
is liberally rewarded in new colonies 231 |
of artificers and manufacturers, never adds any value to the whole amount of the rude produce of the land, according to the French agricultural system of political economy 277 |
this doctrine shewn to be erroneous 281 |
the productive powers of labour, how to be improved 281 |
Labourers |
useful and productive, everywhere proportioned to the capital stock on which they are employed 1, 2 |
share the produce of their labour, in most cases, with the owners of the stock on which they are employed 20 |
their wages a continued subject of contest between them and their masters 28 |
are seldom successful in their outrageous combinations 28 |
the sufficiency of their earnings a point not easily determined 28 |
their wages sometimes raised by increase of work 28 |
their demands limited by the funds destined for payment 29 |
are continually wanted in North America 29 |
miserable condition of those in China 29, 30 |
are not ill paid in Great Britain 30, 31 |
if able to maintain their families in dear years, they must be at their ease in plentiful seasons 31 |
a proof furnished in the complaints of their luxury 33 |
why worse paid than artificers 42 |
their interests, strictly connected with the interests of the society 106 |
labour the only source of their revenue 112 |
effects of a life of labour on the understandings of the poor 327 |
Land |
the demand of rent for, how founded 21 |
the rent paid enters into the greater part of all commodities 21 |
generally produces more food than will maintain the labour necessary to bring it to market 61 |
good roads and navigable canals equalize difference of situation 62 |
that employed in raising food for men and cattle regulates the rent of all other cultivated land 64, 67 |
can clothe and lodge more than it can feed while uncultivated, and the contrary when improved 68 |
the culture of land producing food creates a demand for the produce of other lands 73 |
produces by agriculture a much greater quantity of vegetable than of animal food 79 |
the full improvement of, requires a stock of cattle to supply manure 93 |
cause and effect of the diminution of cottagers 95 |
signs of the land being completely improved 96 |
the whole annual produce, or the price of it, naturally divides itself into rent, wages, and profit of stock 106 |
the usual price of, depends on the common rate of interest for money 147 |
the profits of cultivation exaggerated by projectors 154 |
the cultivation of, naturally preferred to trade and manufactures, on equal terms 155 |
artificers necessary to the cultivation of 156 |
was all appropriated, though not cultivated, by the northern destroyers of the Roman empire 157 |
origin of the law of primogeniture under the feudal government 157 |
entails 158 |
obstacles to the improvement of land under feudal proprietors 158 |
feudal tenures 159, 160 |
feudal taxation 161 |
the improvement of land checked in France, by the taille 161 |
occupiers of, labour under great disadvantages 161 |
origin of long leases of 169 |
small proprietors the best improvers of 170 |
small purchasers of, cannot hope to raise fortunes by cultivation 170, 171 |
tenures of, in the British American colonies 235 |
is the most permanent source of revenue 345 |
the rent of a whole country not equal to the ordinary levy upon the people 345 |
the revenue from, proportioned not to the rent, but to the produce 346 |
reasons for selling the crown lands 346 |
the land tax of Great Britain considered 348 |
an improved land-tax suggested 349 |
tithes a very unequal tax 349 |
tithes discourage improvement 349 |
Landholders |
why frequently inattentive to their own particular interests 106 |
how they contribute to the annual production of the land, according to the French agricultural system of political economy 275 |
should be encouraged to cultivate a part of their own land 350 |
Latin language |
how it became an essential part of university education 321 |
Law |
the language of, how corrupted 302 |
did not improve into a science in ancient Greece 325 |
remarks on the courts of justice in Greece and Rome 325, 326 |
account of his banking scheme for the improvement of Scotland 130 |
Lawyers |
why amply rewarded for their labour 44 |
great amount of their fees 300 |
Leases |
the various usual conditions of 349, 350 |
Leather |
restrictions on the exportation of unmanufactured 271 |
Lectures |
in universities frequently improper for instruction 320 |
Levity |
the vices of, ruinous to the common people, and therefore severely censured by them 332, 333 |
Liberty |
three duties only necessary for a sovereign to attend to for supporting a system of 286 |
Lima |
computed number of inhabitants in that city 233 |
Linen manufacture |
narrow policy of the master manufacturers in 266 |
Literature |
the rewards of, reduced by competition 56 |
was more profitable in ancient Greece 56 |
the cheapness of literary education an advantage to the public 57 |
Loans of money |
the nature of, analysed 144 |
the extensive operation of 144 |
Locke |
remarks on his opinion of the difference between the market and mint prices of silver bullion 18 |
his account of the cause of lowering the rates of interest for money, examined 145 |
his distinction between money and moveable goods 173 |
Lodgings |
cheaper in London than in any other capital city in Europe 49 |
Logic |
the origin and employment of 322 |
Lotteries |
the true nature of, and the causes of their success, explained 45 |
Luck |
instances of the universal reliance mankind have on it 45 |
Lutherans |
origin and principles of that sect 339 |
Luxuries |
distinguished from necessaries 368 |
operation of taxes on 368 |
the good and bad properties of taxes on 380 |
Macedon |
Philip of, the superiority that discipline gave his army over that of his enemies 294 |
Machines |
for facilitating mechanical operations, how invented and improved 4, 5 |
are advantageous to every society 116 |
Madder |
the cultivation of, long confined to Holland by English tithes 353 |
Madeira wines |
how introduced into North America and Britain 204 |
Malt |
reasons for transferring the duties on brewing to 378 |
distillery, how to prevent smuggling 377 |
Manufacturers |
those thrown out of one business can transfer their industry to colateral employments 190 |
a spirit of combination among them to support monopolies 191 |
manufacturers prohibited by old statutes from keeping a shop, or selling their own goods by retail 215, 216 |
the use of wholesale dealers to manufacturers 217 |
an unproductive class of the people, according to the French agricultural system of political economy 276 |
how manufacturers augment the revenue of a country 281 |
Manufactures |
the great advantages resulting from a division of labour in 3 |
instances in illustration 5 |
why profits increase in the higher stages of 21 |
of what parts the gain consists 22 |
the private advantages of secrets in 25 |
peculiar advantages of soil and situation 25 |
monopolies 25 |
corporation privileges 26 |
the deductions made from labour employed on manufactures 27 |
inquiry how far they are affected by seasons of plenty and scarcity 35 |
are not no materially affected by circumstances in the country where they are carried on, as in the places where they are consumed 35 |
new manufactures generally give higher wages than old ones 48 |
are more profitably carried on in towns than in the open country 53 |
by what means the prices of, are reduced while the society continues improving 103 |
instances in hardware 103 |
instances in the woollen manufacture 104 |
what fixed capitals are required to carry on particular manufactures 112 |
manufactures for distant sale, why not established in North America 156 |
why preferred to foreign trade for the employment of a capital 156 |
motives to the establishment of manufactures for distant sale 165 |
how shifted from one country to another 165, 166 |
natural circumstances which contribute to the establishment of them 166 |
their effect on the government and manners of a country 167 |
the independence of artisans explained 169 |
may flourish amidst the ruin of a country, and begin to decay on the return of its prosperity 180 |
inquiry how far manufactures might be affected by a freedom of trade 190 |
british restraints on manufactures in North America 238, 239 |
the exportation of instruments in, prohibited 273 |
by the principal support of foreign trade 283 |
require a more extensive market than rude produce of the land 283 |
were exercised by slaves in ancient Greece 284 |
high prices of, in Greece and at Rome 285 |
false policy to check manufactures in order to promote agriculture 285 |
in Great Britain, why principally fixed in the coal countries 370 |
Manure |
the supply of, in most places depends on the stock of cattle raised 93 |
Maritime countries |
why the first that are civilized and improved 9 |
Martial spirit |
how supported in the ancient republics of Greece and Rome 329 |
the want of it now supplied by standing armies 329 |
the establishment of a militia little able to support it 329 |
Mediterranean sea |
peculiarly favourable for the first attempts in navigation 9 |
Meggens |
his account of the annual importation of gold and silver into Spain and Portugal 88 |
his relative proportion of each 89 |
Mercantile system |
explained 372 |
Mercenary troops |
origin and reason of 291 |
the numbers of, how limited 291 |
Merchants |
their judgments more to be depended on respecting the interest of their particular branches of trade, than with regard to the public interest 106, 107 |
their capitals altogether circulating 112 |
their dealings extended by the aid of bankers notes 121, 124 |
customs of, first established to supply the want of laws, and afterwards admitted as laws 126 |
the manner of negociating bills of exchange, explained 126 |
the pernicious tendency of drawing and redrawing 126, 127 |
in what method their capitals are employed 147 |
their capitals, dispersed and unfixed 149 |
the principles of foreign trade examined 153 |
are the best of improvers when they turn country gentlemen 167 |
their preference among the different species of trade, how determined 183 |
are actuated by a narrow spirit of monopoly 201 |
the several branches of the corn trade specified and considered 215 |
the government of a company of, the worst a country can be under 234 |
of London, not good economists 253 |
an unproductive class of men, according to the present agricultural system of political economy in France 277 |
the quick return of mercantile capitals enables merchants to advance money to government 386, 387 |
their capitals increased by lending money to the state 387 |
Mercier |
character of his natural and essential order of political societies 282 |
Metals |
why the best medium of commerce 10 |
origin of stamped coins 11 |
why different metals became the standard of value among different nations 16 |
the durability of, the cause of the steadiness of their price 88 |
on what the quantity of precious metals in every particular country depends 100 |
restraints upon the exportation of 272 |
Metaphysics |
the science of, explained 323 |
Metayers |
description of the class of farmers so called in France 159 |
Methodists |
the teachers among, why popular preachers 330 |
Methuen |
translation of the commercial treaty concluded by him between England and Portugal 223 |
Mexico |
was a less civilized country than Peru, when first visited by the Spaniards 85 |
present populousness of the capital city 233 |
low state of arts at the first discovery of that empire 233 |
Militia |
why allowed to be formed in cities, and its formidable nature 164 |
the origin and nature of, explained 292 |
how distinguished from a regular standing army 292 |
must always be inferior to a standing army 293 |
a few campaigns of service may make a militia equal to a standing army 293 |
instances 294 |
Milk |
a most perishable commodity, how manufactured for store 96 |
Mills |
wind and water, their late introduction into England 105 |
Mines |
distinguished by their fertility or barrenness 70 |
comparison between those of coal and those of metals 71 |
the competition between, extends to all parts of the world 71 |
the working of, a lottery 72 |
diamond mines not always worth working 73 |
tax paid to the king of Spain from the Peruvian mines 85 |
the discovery of mines not dependent on human skill or industry 100 |
in Hungary, why worked at less expense than the neighbouring ones in Turkey 284 |
Mining |
projects of, uncertain and ruinous, and unfit for legal encouragement 230 |
Mirabeau |
Marquis de, his character of the economical table 282 |
Mississippi |
scheme in France, the real foundation of 130 |
Modus |
for tithe, a relief to the farmer 353 |
Money |
the origin of, traced 10 |
is the representative of labour 13 |
the value of, greatly depreciated by the discovery of the American mines 14 |
how different metals became the standard money of different nations 16 |
the only part of the circulating capital of a society, of which the maintenance can diminish their neat revenue 116 |
makes no part of the revenue of a society 117 |
the term money, in common acceptation, of ambiguous meaning 117 |
the circulating money, in society, no measure of its revenue 118 |
paper money 118 |
effect of paper on the circulation of cash 118, 119 |
inquiry into the proportion the circulating money of any country bears to the annual produce circulated by it 120 |
paper can never exceed the value of the cash, of which it supplies the place, in any country 122 |
the pernicious practice of raising money by circulation, explained 126 |
the true cause of its exportation 139 |
loans of, the principles of, analysed 144 |
monied interest distinguished from the landed and trading interest 144 |
inquiry into the real causes of the reduction of interest 145 |
money and wealth synonymous terms in popular language 173 |
and moveable goods compared 173 |
the mercantile arguments for liberty to export gold and silver 173 |
the validity of these arguments examined 175 |
money and goods mutually the price of each other 175 |
over-trading causes complaints of the scarcity of money 176 |
why more easy to buy goods with money, than to buy money with goods 177 |
inquiry into the circulating quantity of, in Great Britain 178 |
effect of the discovery of the American mines on the value of 181 |
money and wealth different things 182 |
bank money explained 195 |
Monopolies |
in trade or manufactures, the tendency of 25 |
are enemies to good management 62 |
tendency of making a monopoly, of colony trade 251 |
countries which have colonies obliged to share their advantages with many other countries 260 |
the chief engine in the mercantile system 261 |
how monopolies derange the natural distribution of the stock of the society 261 |
are supported by unjust and cruel laws 268 |
of a temporary nature, how far justifiable 316 |
perpetual monopolies injurious to the people at large 316 |
Montauban |
the inequalities in the predial taille in that generality, how rectified 352 |
Montesquieu |
reasons given by him for the high rates of interest among all Mahometan nations 40 |
examination of his idea of the cause of lowering the rate of interest of money 145 |
Morality |
two different systems of, in every civilized society 332 |
the principal points of distinction between them 333 |
the ties of obligation in each system 333 |
why the morals of the common people are more regular in sectaries than under the established church 333 |
the excesses of, how to be corrected 333 |
Morellet |
his account of joint-stock companies, defective 317 |
Mun |
his illustration of the operation of money exported for commercial purposes 174 |
Music |
why a part of the ancient Grecian education 324 |
and dancing, great amusement among barbarous nations 324 |
Nations |
sometimes driven to inhuman customs, by poverty 1 |
the number of useful and productive labourers in, always proportioned to the capital stock on which they are employed 1, 2 |
the several sorts of industry seldom dealt impartially by 2 |
maritime nations, why the first improved 8 |
how ruined by a neglect of public economy 140 |
evidences of the increase of a national capital 141 |
how the expenses of individuals may increase the national capital 142 |
Navigation |
inland, a great means of improving a country in arts and industry 9 |
the advantages of 62 |
may be successfully managed by joint-stock companies 317 |
Navigation act of England |
the principal dispositions of 187 |
motives that dictated, this law 188 |
its political and commercial tendency 188 |
its consequences, so far as it affected the colony trade with England 245 |
diminished the foreign trade with Europe 246 |
has kept up high profits in the British trade 246 |
subjects Britain to a disadvantage in every branch of trade of which she has not the monopoly 246, 247 |
Necessaries |
distinguished from luxuries 368 |
operation of taxes on 368 |
principal necessaries taxed 369 |
Negro slaves |
why not much employed in raising corn in the English colonies 159 |
why more numerous on sugar than on tobacco plantations 159 |
Nile |
river, the cause of the early improvement of agriculture and manufactures in Egypt 9 |
Oats |
bread made of, not so suitable to the human constitution as that made of wheat 68 |
Ontology |
the science of, explained 323 |
Oxford |
the professorships there, sinecures 319 |
Paper money |
the credit of, how established 118 |
its operation explained 118 |
its effect on the circulation of cash 118, 119 |
promotes industry 119 |
operation of the several banking companies established in Scotland 120 |
can never exceed the value of the gold and silver, of which it supplies the place in any country 122 |
consequences of too much paper being issued 122 |
the practice of drawing and redrawing explained, with its pernicious effects 126 |
the advantages and disadvantages of paper credit, stated 131 |
ill effects of notes issued for small sums 132 |
suppressing small notes renders money more plentiful 132 |
the currency of, does not affect the prices of goods 133 |
account of the paper currency in North America 134 |
expedient of the government of Pennsylvania to raise money 345 |
why convenient for the domestic purposes of the North Americans 400 |
Paris |
enjoys a little more trade than is necessary for the consumption of its inhabitants 138 |
Parish ministers |
evils attending vesting the election of, in the people 339 |
Parsimony |
is the immediate cause of the increase of capitals 138 |
promotes industry 138 |
frugal men public benefactors 140 |
is the only means by which artificers and manufacturers can add to the revenue and wealth of society, according to the French agricultural system of political economy 277 |
Pasture land |
under what circumstances more profitable than arable land 62, 63 |
why it ought to be inclosed 63 |
Patronage |
the right of, why established in Scotland 340 |
Pay |
military, origin and reason of 291 |
Pennsylvania |
account of the paper currency there 134 |
good consequences of the government there having no religious establishment 332 |
derive a revenue from their paper currency 401 |
People |
how divided into productive and unproductive classes according to the present French system of agricultural political economy 275 |
the unproductive class greatly useful to the others 277 |
the great body of, how rendered unwarlike 292 |
the different opportunities of education in the different ranks of 328 |
the inferior ranks of, the greatest consumers 375 |
the luxurious expenses of these ranks ought only to be taxed 376 |
Persecution |
for religious opinions, the true cause of 330 |
Peru |
the discovery of the silver mines in, occasioned those in Europe to be in a great measure abandoned 71 |
these mines yield but small profit to the proprietors 71 |
tax paid to the king of Spain from these mines 85 |
the early accounts of the splendour and state of arts, in this country greatly exaggerated 85, 86 |
present state of, under the Spanish government 86 |
the working of the mines there becomes gradually more expensive 90 |
low state of arts there when first discovered 233 |
is probably more populous now than at any former period 233 |
Philosophy |
natural, the origin and objects of 322 |
moral, the nature of, explained 322 |
logic, the origin and employment of 322 |
Physicians |
why amply rewarded for their labour 43, 44 |
Physics |
the ancient system of, explained 322 |
Pin-making |
the extraordinary advantage of a division of labour in this art 3 |
Plate |
of private families, the melting it down to supply state exigencies, an insignificant resource 178 |
new plate is chiefly made from old 225 |
Ploughmen |
their knowledge more extensive than the generality of mechanics 53 |
Pneumatics |
the science of, explained 323 |
Poivre |
his account of the agriculture of Chochin-China 66 |
Poland |
a country still kept in poverty by the feudal system of its government 101 |
Political economy |
the two distinct objects and two different systems of 173 |
the present agricultural system of, adopted by French philosophers, described 275 |
classes of the people who contribute to the annual produce of the land 275 |
how proprietors contribute 275 |
how cultivators contribute 275 |
artificers and manufacturers unproductive 276 |
the unproductive classes maintained by the others 277 |
bad tendency of restrictions and prohibitions in trade 279 |
The bad effects of an injudicious political economy, how corrected 280 |
the capital error in this system pointed out 280 |
Poll-taxes |
origin of, under the feudal government 162, 163 |
why esteemed badges of slavery 362 |
the nature of, considered 367 |
Poor |
history of the laws made for the provision of, in England 57 |
Pope of Rome |
the great power formerly assumed by 335 |
his power how reduced 337 |
rapid progress of the Reformation 338 |
Population |
riches and extreme poverty equally unfavourable to 33 |
is limited by the means of subsistence 33, 69 |
Porter |
the proportion of malt used in the brewing of 376 |
Portugal |
the cultivation of the country not advanced by its commerce 171, 172 |
the value of gold and silver there depreciated by prohibiting their exportation 208 |
translation of the commercial treaty concluded in 1703 with England 223 |
a large share of the Portugal gold sent annually to England 223 |
motives that led to the discovery of a passage to the East round the Cape of Good Hope 229 |
lost its manufactures by acquiring rich and fertile colonies 251 |
Post-office |
a mercantile project, well calculated for being managed by a government 344 |
Potatoes |
remarks on, as an article of food 67 |
culture and great produce of 67 |
the difficulty of preserving them the great obstacle to cultivating them for general diet 68 |
Poultry |
the cause of their cheapness 95 |
is a more important article of rural economy in France than in England 95 |
Poverty |
sometimes urges nations to inhuman customs 1 |
is no check to the production of children 33 |
but very unfavourable to raising them 33 |
Pragmatic sanction in France |
the object of 337 |
is followed by the concordat 337 |
Preferments |
ecclesiastical, the means by which a national clergy ought to be managed by the civil magistrate 335 |
alterations in the mode of electing to them 335, 337 |
Presbyterian church government |
the nature of, described 340 |
character of the clergy of 340, 341 |
Prices |
real and nominal, of commodities, distinguished 14 |
money price of goods explained 19 |
rent for land enters into the price of the greater part of all commodities 21 |
the component parts of the price of goods explained 21 |
natural and market prices distinguished, and how governed 23, 36 |
though raised at first by an increase of demand, always reduced by it in the result 314 |
Primogeniture |
origin and motive of the law of succession by, under the feudal government 157 |
in contrary to the real interest of families 158 |
Princes |
why not well calculated to manage mercantile projects for the sake of a revenue 344 |
Prodigality |
the natural tendency of, both to the individual and to the public 138 |
prodigal men enemies to their country 140 |
Produce |
of land and labour the source of all revenue 136 |
the value of, how to be increased 141 |
Professors in Universities |
circumstances which determine their merit 340, 341 |
Profit |
the various articles of gain that pass under the common idea of 22 |
an average rate of, in all countries 23 |
averages of, extremely difficult to ascertain 37 |
interest of money the best standard of 37 |
the diminution of, a natural consequence of prosperity 38 |
clear and gross profit distinguished 40 |
the nature of the highest ordinary rate of, defined 40 |
double interest deemed in Great Britain a reasonable mercantile profit 40 |
in thriving countries low profit may compensate the high wages of labour 41 |
the operation of high profits and high wages compared 41 |
compensates inconvenience and disgrace 42 |
of stock, how affected 46 |
large profits must be made from small capitals 47 |
why goods are cheaper in the metropolis than in country villages 47 |
great fortunes more frequently made by trade in large towns than in small ones 47 |
is naturally low in rich, and high in poor countries 106 |
how that of the different classes of traders is raised 148 |
private, the sole motive of employing capitals in any branch of business 154 |
when raised by monopolies, encourage luxury 253 |
Projects |
unsuccessful in arts, injurious to a country 140 |
Property |
passions which prompt mankind to the invasion of 297 |
civil government necessary for the production of 297 |
wealth a source of authority 298 |
Provisers |
object of the statute of, in England 337 |
Provisions |
how far the variations in the price of, affect labour and industry 30, 34, 36 |
whether cheaper in the metropolis or in country villages 47 |
the prices of, better regulated by competition than by law 60 |
a rise in the prices of, must be uniform, to shew that it proceeds from a depreciation of the value of silver 102 |
Prussia |
mode of assessing the land-tax there 351 |
Public works and institutions |
how to be maintained 302 |
equity of tolls for passage over roads, bridges and canals 303 |
why government ought not to have the management of turnpikes 304 |
nor of other public works 306 |
Purveyance |
a service still exacted in most parts of Europe 161 |
Quakers of Pennsylvania |
inference from their resolution to emancipate all their negro slaves 159 |
Quesnai |
view of his agricultural system of political economy 279 |
his doctrine generally subscribed to 282 |
Quito |
populousness of that city 233 |
Reformation |
rapid progress of the doctrines of, in Germany 338 |
in Sweden and Switzerland 338 |
in England and Scotland 338, 339 |
origin of the Lutheran and the Calvinistic sects 339 |
Religion |
the object of instruction in 330 |
advantage the teachers of a new religion enjoy over those of one that is established 330 |
origin of persecutions for heretical opinions 330 |
how the zeal of the inferior clergy of the church of Rome is kept alive 330 |
utility of ecclesiastical establishments 331 |
how united with the civil power 331, 332 |
Rent |
reserved, ought not to consist of money 14 |
but of corn 14 |
of land, constitutes a third part of the price of most kinds of goods 21 |
an average rate of, in all countries, and how regulated 23 |
makes the first deduction from the produce of labour employed upon land 27 |
the terms of, how adjusted between landlord and tenant 60, 61 |
is sometimes demanded for what is altogether incapable of human improvement 61 |
is paid for, and produced, by land in almost all situations 61 |
the general proportion paid for coal mines 71 |
and metal mines 71 |
mines of precious stones frequently yield no rent 73 |
how paid in ancient times 76 |
is raised, either directly or indirectly, by every improvement in the circumstances of society 105 |
gross and neat rent distinguished 115 |
how raised and paid under feudal governments 137 |
present average proportion of, compared with the produce of the land 137 |
of houses distinguished into two parts 354 |
difference between rent of house and rent of land 355 |
rent of a house the best estimate of a tenants circumstances 355 |
Retainers |
under the feudal system of government described 167 |
Revenue |
the original source of, pointed out 22 |
of a country, of what it consists 115 |
the neat revenue of a society diminished by supporting a circulating stock of money 116 |
money no part of revenue 117 |
is not to be computed in money, but in what money will purchase 117 |
how produced, and how appropriated, in the first instance 136 |
produce of land 136 |
produce of manufactures 136 |
Must always replace capital 136 |
the proportion between revenue and capital regulates the proportion between idleness and industry 138 |
both the savings and the spendings of, annually, consumed 138 |
of every society, equal to the exchangeable value of the whole produce of its industry 184 |
why government ought not to take the management of turnpikes, to derive a revenue from them 304 |
public works of a local nature always better maintained by provincial revenues than by the general revenue of the state 306 |
the abuses in provincial revenues trifling, when compared with those in the revenue of a great empire 306 |
the greater the revenue of the church, the smaller must be that of the state 341 |
the revenue of the state ought to be raised proportionably from the whole society 342 |
local expenses ought to be defrayed by a local revenue 343 |
inquiry into the sources of public revenue 343 |
of the republic of Hamburgh 343, 344 |
whether the government of Britain could undertake the management of the bank, to derive a revenue from it 344 |
the post office, a mercantile project, well calculated for being managed by government 344 |
princes not well qualified to improve their fortunes by trade 344 |
the English East India Company good traders before they became sovereigns, but each character now spoils the other 344 |
expedient of the government of Pennsylvania to raise money 345 |
rent of land the most permanent fund 345 |
feudal revenues 345 |
of Great Britain 345 |
revenue from land proportioned not to the rent but to the produce 346 |
reasons for selling the crown lands 346, 347 |
an improved land-tax suggested 349 |
the nature and effect of tithes explained 352 |
why a revenue cannot be raised in kind 353 |
when raised in money, how affected by different modes of valuation 353 |
a proportionable tax on houses the best source of revenue 355 |
remedies for the diminution of, according to their causes 374 |
bad effects of farming out public revenues 381 |
the different sources of revenue in France 384 |
how expended in the rude state of society 385 |
Rice |
a very productive article of cultivation 67 |
requires a soil unfit for raising any other kind of food 67 |
rice countries more populous than corn countries 86 |
Riches |
the chief enjoyment of, consists in the parade of 72, 73 |
Risk |
instances of the inattention mankind pay to it 45 |
Roads |
good, the public advantages of 62 |
how to be made and maintained 303 |
the maintenance of, why improper to be trusted to private interest 304 |
general state of, in France 305 |
in China 305 |
Romans |
why copper became the standard of value among them 16 |
the extravagant prices paid by them for certain luxuries for the table accounted for 92 |
the value of silver higher among them than at the present time 92 |
the republic of, founded on a division of land among the citizens 228 |
the Agrarian law only executed upon one or two occasions 228 |
how the citizens who had no land subsisted 228 |
distinction between the Roman and Greek colonies 228 |
the improvement of the former slower than that of the latter 232 |
origin of the social war 257 |
the republic ruined by extending the privilege of Roman citizens to the greater part of the inhabitants of Italy 258 |
when contributions were first raised to maintain those who went to the wars 290 |
soldiers not a distinct profession there 291 |
improvement of the Roman armies by discipline 294 |
how that discipline was lost 295 |
the fall of the western empire, how effected 295 |
remarks on the education of the ancient Romans 324 |
their morals superior to those of the Greeks 324 |
state of law, and forms of justice 325 |
the martial spirit of the people, how supported 329 |
great reductions of the coin practised by, at particular exigencies 396 |
Rome |
modern, how the zeal of the inferior clergy of, is kept alive 330 |
the clergy of, one great spiritual army dispersed in different quarters over Europe 335 |
their power during the feudal monkish ages similar to that of the temporal barons 336 |
their power, how reduced 337 |
Rouen |
why a town of great trade 138 |
Ruddiman |
remarks on his account of the ancient price of wheat in Scotland 77 |
Russia |
was civilized under Peter the Great by a standing army 296 |
Sailors |
why no sensible inconvenience felt by the great numbers disbanded at the close of a war 190 |
Salt |
account of foreign salt imported into Scotland, and of Scotch salt delivered duty free for the fishery 288 |
is an object of heavy taxation everywhere 369 |
the collection of the duty on, expensive 380 |
Sardinia |
the land-tax how assessed there 352 |
Saxon lords |
their authority and jurisdiction as great before the Conquest as those of the Normans were afterwards 168 |
Schools |
parochial, observations on 328 |
Science |
is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition 333 |
Scipio |
his Spanish militia rendered superior to the Carthaginian militia by discipline and service 294 |
Scotland |
compared with England as to the prices of labour and provisions 31 |
remarks on the population of the Highlands 33 |
the market rate of interest higher than the legal rate 37 |
the situation of cottagers there described 49 |
apprenticeships and corporations 51 |
the common people of, why neither so strong nor so handsome as the same class in England 68 |
cause of the frequent emigrations from 80 |
progress of agriculture there before the union with England 93 |
present obstructions to better husbandry 93, 94 |
the price of wool reduced by the Union 99 |
amount of the circulating money there before the Union 99 |
amount of the present circulating cash 121 |
difficulties occasioned by these banks issuing too much paper 123 |
necessary caution for some time observed by the banks in giving credit to their customers, with the good effects of it 124 |
the scheme of drawing and redrawing adopted by traders 126 |
its pernicious tendency explained 126, 127 |
history of the Ayr bank 128 |
Law's scheme to improve the country 130 |
the prices of goods in, not altered by paper currency 133 |
effect of the optional clauses in their notes 133 |
cause of the speedy establishment of the Reformation there 339 |
the disorders attending popular elections of the clergy there, occasioned the right of patronage to be established 339 |
amount of the whole revenue of the clergy 342 |
Sea service |
and military service by land, compared 45 |
Sects in religion |
the more numerous, the better for society 332 |
why they generally profess the austere system of morality 333 |
Self-love |
the governing principle in the intercourse of human society 6 |
Servants |
menial, distinguished from hired workmen 135 |
the various orders of men who rank in the former class in reference to their labour 136 |
their labour unproductive 280 |
Settlements |
of the poor, brief review of the English laws relating to 57 |
the removals of the poor a violation of natural liberty 59 |
the law of, ought to be repealed 191 |
Sheep |
frequently killed in Spain for the sake of the fleece and the tallow 97 |
severe laws against the exportation of them and their wool 268 |
Shepherds |
war, how supported by a nation of 289 |
inequality of fortune among, the source of great authority 298 |
birth and family highly honoured in nations of shepherds 298 |
inequality of fortune first began to take place in the age of shepherds 299 |
and introduced civil government 299 |
Shetland |
how rents are estimated and paid there 61 |
Silk manufacture |
how transferred from Lucca to Venice 166 |
Silver |
the first standard coinage of the northern subverters of the Roman empires 16 |
its proportional value to gold regulated by law 17 |
is the measure of the value of gold 17 |
mint price of silver in England 17 |
inquiry into the difference between the mint and market price of bullion 17, 18 |
how to preserve the silver coin from being melted down for profit 18 |
the mines of, in Europe, why generally abandoned 71 |
evidences of the small profit they yield to the proprietors in Peru 71 |
qualities for which this metal is valued 72 |
the most abundant mines of, would add little to the wealth of the world 73 |
but the increase in the quantity of, would depreciate its own value 74 |
circumstances that might counteract this effect 74 |
historical view of the variations in the value of, during the four last centuries 74, 75 |
remarks on its rise in value compared with corn 76 |
circumstances that might have misled writers in reviewing the value of silver 76 |
corn the best standard for judging of the real value of silver 79 |
the price of, how affected by the increase of quantity 79 |
the value of, sunk by the discovery of the American mines 81 |
when the reduction of its value from this cause appears to have been completed 81 |
tax paid from the Peruvian mines to the king of Spain 85 |
the value of silver kept up by an extension of the market 85 |
is the most profitable commodity that can be sent to China 86 |
the value of, how proportioned to that of gold before and after the discovery of the American mines 89 |
the quantity commonly in the market in proportion to that of gold probably greater than their relative values indicate 89 |
the value of, probably rising, and why 90, 91 |
the opinion of a depreciation of its value not well founded 100 |
the real value of, degraded by the bounty on the exportation of corn 207 |
Sinking fund |
in the British finances explained 389 |
is inadequate to the discharge of former debts, and almost wholly applied to other purposes 391 |
motives to the misapplication of it 391, 392 |
Slaves |
the labour of, dearer to the masters than that of freemen 53 |
under feudal lords, circumstances of their situation 159 |
countries where this order of men still remains 159 |
why the service of slave is preferred to that of freemen 159 |
their labour why unprofitable 159 |
causes of the abolishing of slavery throughout the greater part of Europe 160 |
receive more protection from the magistrate in an arbitrary government than in one that is free 241 |
why employed in manufactures by the ancient Grecians 284 |
why no improvements are to be expected from them 284 |
Smuggling |
a tempting, but generally a ruinous employment 46 |
encouraged by high duties 373 |
remedies against 374 |
the crime of, morally considered 381 |
Society |
human, the first principles of 6 |
Soldiers |
remarks on their motives for engaging in the military line 45 |
comparison between the land and sea service 45 |
why no sensible inconvenience felt by the disbanding of great numbers after a war is over 190 |
reason of their first serving for pay 291 |
how they became a distinct class of the people 292 |
how distinguished from the militia 292 |
alteration in their exercise produced by the invention of fire-arms 292 |
South Sea company |
amazing capital once enjoyed by 311 |
mercantile and stock-jobbing projects of 312 |
assiento contract 312 |
whale fishery 312 |
the capital of, turned into annuity stock 312, 388 |
Sovereign |
three duties only necessary for him to attend to for supporting a system of natural liberty 286 |
how he is to protect the society from external violence 289, 296 |
and the members of it from the injustice and oppression of each other 297 |
and to maintain public works and institutions 302 |
Sovereign and trader |
inconsistent characters 344 |
Spain |
One of the poorest countries in Europe, notwithstanding its rich mines 101 |
its commerce has produced no considerable manufactures for distant sale, and the greater part of the country remains uncultivated 171, 172 |
spanish mode of estimating their American discoveries 173 |
the value of gold, and silver there depreciated by laying a tax on the exportation of them 208 |
agriculture and manufactures there discouraged by the redundancy of gold and silver 208, 209 |
natural consequences that would result from taking away this tax 209 |
the real and pretended motives of the court of Castile for taking possession of the countries discovered by Columbus 230 |
the tax on gold and silver, how reduced 230 |
gold the object of all the enterprises to the new world 230 |
the colonies of, less populous than those of any other European nation 232, 233 |
asserted an exclusive claim to all America, until the miscarriage of their invincible armada 233 |
policy of the trade with the colonies 236 |
the American establishments of, effected by private adventurers, who received little beyond permission from the government 242 |
lost its manufactures by acquiring rich and fertile colonies 251 |
the alcavala tax there explained 381 |
the ruin of the Spanish manufactures attributed to it 381 |
Speculation |
a distinct employment in improved society 5 |
speculative merchants described 47 |
Stage |
public performers on, paid for the contempt attending their profession 44 |
the political use of dramatic representations 334 |
Stamp duties |
in England and Holland, remarks on 363, 364, 365 |
Steel-bow |
tenants in Scotland, what 160 |
Stock |
the profits raised on, in manufactures, explained 20 |
in trade, an increase of, raises wages, and diminishes profit 36 |
must be larger in a great town than in a country village 37 |
natural consequences of a deficiency of stock in new colonies 38 |
the profits on, little affected by the easiness or difficulty of learning a trade 43 |
but by the risk or disagreeableness of the business 46 |
stock employed for profit sets into motion the greater part of useful labour 106 |
no accumulation of, necessary in the rude state of society 111 |
the accumulation of, necessary to the division of labour 111 |
stock distinguished into two parts 112 |
the general stock of a country or society explained 113 |
houses 113 |
improved land 113 |
personal abilities 113 |
money and provisions 114 |
raw materials and manufactured goods 114 |
stock of individuals, how employed 115 |
is frequently buried or concealed in arbitrary countries 115 |
the profits on, decrease in proportion as the quantity increases 137 |
on what principles stock is lent and borrowed at interest 144 |
that of every society divided among different employments, in the proportion most agreeable to the public interest, by the private views of individuals 260 |
the natural distribution of, deranged by monopolizing systems 261 |
every derangement of, injurious to the society 262 |
mercantile, is barren and unproductive, according to the French agricultural system of political economy 277 |
how far the revenue from, is an object of taxation 357 |
a tax on, intended under the land-tax 358 |
Stockings |
why cheaply manufactured in Scotland 49 |
when first introduced into England 104 |
Stone quarries |
their value depends on situation 69, 74 |
Stones |
precious, of no use but for ornament, and how the price of, is regulated 73 |
the most abundant mines, would add little to the wealth of the world 73 |
Subordination |
how introduced into society 297 |
personal qualifications 297 |
age and fortune 297 |
birth 298 |
birth and fortune two great sources of personal distinction 298 |
Subsidy |
old, in the English customs, the drawbacks upon 203 |
origin and import of the term 372 |
Sugar |
a very profitable article of cultivation 66, 159 |
drawbacks on the importation of, from England 204 |
might be cultivated by the drill-plough, instead of all hand-labour by slaves 241 |
a proper subject for taxation, as an article sold at monopoly price 378 |
Sumptuary laws |
superfluous restraints on the common people 142 |
Surinam |
present state of the Dutch colony there 234 |
Switzerland |
establishment of the Reformation in Berne and Zurich 338 |
the clergy there zealous and industrious 342 |
taxes how paid there 359, 363 |
Taille |
in France, the nature of that tax, and its operation, explained 161 |
Talents |
natural, not so various in different men as is supposed 7 |
Tartars |
their manner of conducting war 289 |
their invasions dreadful 289 |
Tavernier |
his account of the diamond mines of Golconda and Visiapour 73 |
Taxes |
the origin of, under the feudal government 162 |
the sources from whence they must arise 347 |
unequal taxes 347 |
ought to be clear and certain 347 |
ought to be levied at the times most convenient for payment 347 |
ought to take as little as possible out of the pockets of the people more than is brought into the public treasury 348 |
the land-tax of Great Britain 348 |
land-tax of Venice 349 |
improvements suggested for a land-tax 349 |
mode of assessing the land-tax in Prussia 351 |
tithes a very unequal tax, and a discouragement to improvement 352 |
operation of tax on house rent, payable by the tenant 354 |
a proportionable tax on houses the best source of revenue 355 |
how far the revenue from stock is a proper object of taxation 357 |
whether interest of money is proper for taxation 357 |
how taxes are paid at Hamburgh 339 |
in Switzerland 339 |
taxes upon particular employments 339 |
poll-taxes 362 |
taxes badges of liberty 362 |
taxes upon the transfer of property 362 |
stamp duties 363 |
on whom the several kinds of taxes principally fall 364 |
taxes upon the wages of labour 365 |
capitation taxes 367 |
taxes upon consumable commodities 368 |
upon necessaries 368 |
upon luxuries 368 |
principal necessaries taxed 369 |
absurdities in taxation 370 |
different parts of Europe very highly taxed 370 |
two different methods of taxing consumable commodities 370 |
sir Matthew Decker's scheme of taxation considered 371 |
excise and customs 371 |
taxation sometimes not an instrument of revenue, but of monopoly 373 |
improvements of the customs suggested 374 |
taxes paid in the price of a commodity little adverted to 379, 380 |
on luxuries, the good and bad properties of 380 |
bad effects of farming them out 383 |
how the finances of France might be reformed 384 |
french and English taxations compared 384 |
new taxes always generate discontent 391, 392 |
how far the British system of taxation might be applicable to all the different provinces of the empire 397 |
such a plan might speedily discharge the national debt 399 |
Tea |
great importation and consumption of that drug in Britain 86 |
Teachers in Universities |
tendency of endowments to diminish their application 319 |
the jurisdictions to which they are subject little calculated to quicken their diligence 319 |
are frequently obliged to gain protection by servility 319 |
defects in their establishments 319, 320 |
teachers among the ancient Greeks and Romans superior to those of modern times 326 |
circumstances which draw good ones to, or drain them from, the universities 340 |
their employment naturally renders them eminent in letters 341 |
Tenures |
feudal, general observations on 137 |
described 157 |
Theology |
monkish, the complexion of 323 |
Thoulouse |
salary paid to counsellor or judge in the parliament of 301 |
Tin |
average rent of the mines of in Cornwall 71 |
yield a greater profit to the proprietors than the silver mines of Peru 71, 72 |
regulations under which tin mines are worked 72 |
Tithes |
why an unequal tax 352 |
the levying of, a great discouragement to improvements 352 |
the fixing a modus for, a relief to the farmer 353 |
Tobacco |
the culture of, why restrained in Europe 66 |
not so profitable an article of cultivation in the West Indies as sugar 66 |
the amount and course of the British trade with, explained 153 |
the whole duty upon, drawn back on exportation 204 |
consequences of the exclusive trade Britain enjoys with Maryland and Virginia in this article 244 |
Tolls |
for passage over roads, bridges, and navigable canals, the equity of, shewn 303 |
upon carriages of luxury, ought to be higher than upon carriages of utility 303 |
the management of turnpikes often an object of just complaint 304 |
why government ought not to have the management of turnpikes 304, 379 |
Tonnage and poundage |
origin of those duties 372 |
Tontine |
in the French finances, what, with the derivation of the name 390 |
Towns |
the places where industry is most profitably exerted 53 |
the spirit of combination prevalent among manufacturers 53, 54 |
according to what circumstances the general character of the inhabitants as to industry is formed 137 |
the reciprocal nature of the trade between them and the country explained 155 |
subsist on the surplus produce of the country 155 |
how first formed 156 |
are continual fairs 156 |
the original poverty and servile state of the inhabitants of 162 |
their early exemptions and privileges, how obtained 162 |
the inhabitants of, obtained liberty much earlier than the occupiers of land in the country 163 |
origin of free burghs 163 |
origin of corporations 163 |
why allowed to form militia 164 |
how the increase and riches of commercial towns contributed to the improvement of the countries to which they belonged 167 |
Trade |
double interest deemed a reasonable mercantile profit in 40 |
four general classes of, equally necessary to, and dependent on, each other 147 |
wholesale, three different sorts of 151 |
the different returns of home and foreign trade 151 |
the nature and operation of the carrying trade examined 152 |
the principles of foreign trade examined 153 |
the trade between town and country explained 155 |
original poverty and servile state of the inhabitants of towns under feudal government 162 |
exemptions and privileges granted to them 162 |
extension of commerce by rude nations selling their own raw produce for the manufactures of more civilised countries 165 |
its salutary effects on the government and manners of a country 167 |
subverted the feudal authority 168 |
the independence of tradesmen and artizans explained 169 |
the capitals acquired by, very precarious, until some part has been realised by the cultivation and improvement of land 172 |
over-trading, the cause of complaints of the scarcity of money 176 |
the importation of gold and silver not the principal benefit derived from foreign trade 181 |
and by the discovery of a passage to the East Indies round the Cape of Good Hope 181 |
error of commercial writers in estimating national wealth by gold and silver 182 |
inquiry into the cause and effect of restraints upon trade 182 |
individuals, by pursuing their own interest, unknowingly promote that of the public 184 |
legal regulations, of trade unsafe 184 |
retaliatory regulations between nations 189 |
measures for laying trade open ought to be carried into execution slowly 191 |
policy of the restraints on trade between France and Britain considered 192 |
no certain criterion to determine on which side the balance of trade between two countries turns 192 |
most of the regulations of, founded on a mistaken doctrine of the balance of trade 199 |
is generally founded on narrow principles of policy 201 |
drawbacks of duties 203 |
the dealer who employs his whole stock on one single branch of business has an advantage of the same kind with the workman who employs his whole labour on a single operation 216 |
consequences of drawing it from a number of small channels into one great channel 249 |
colony trade, and the monopoly of that trade distinguished 250 |
the interest of the consumer constantly sacrificed to that of the producer 274 |
advantages attending a perfect freedom of, to landed nations, according to the present agricultural system of political economy in France 278 |
origin of foreign trade 279 |
consequences of high duties and prohibitions in landed nations 279 |
how trade augments the revenue of a country 281 |
nature of the trading intercourse between the inhabitants of towns and those of the country 285 |
Trades |
cause and effect of the separation of 3 |
origin of 7 |
Transit duties |
explained 379 |
Travelling |
for education, summary view of the effects of 324 |
Treasure-trove |
the term explained 115 |
why an important branch of revenue under the ancient feudal governments 385 |
Treasures |
why formerly accumulated by princes 180 |
Turkey company |
short historical view of 308 |
Universities |
the emoluments of the teachers in, how far calculated to promote their diligence 319 |
the professors at Oxford have mostly given up teaching 319 |
those in France subject to incompetent jurisdictions 319 |
the privileges of graduates improperly obtained 320 |
abuse of lectureships 320 |
the discipline of, seldom calculated for the benefit of the students 320 |
are in England more corrupted than the public schools 321 |
original foundation of 321 |
how Latin became an essential article in academical education 321 |
how the study of the Greek language was introduced 321, 322 |
the three great branches of the Greek philosophy 322 |
are now divided into five branches 322 |
the monkish course of education in 323 |
have not been very ready to adopt improvements 323 |
are not well calculated to prepare men for the world 324 |
how filled with good professors or drained of them 340 |
where the worst and best professors are generally to be met with 340, 341 |
Value |
the term defined 12 |
Vedius Pollio |
his cruelty to his slaves checked by the Roman emperor Augustus, which could not have been done under the republican form of government 241 |
Venice |
origin of the silk manufacture in that city 166 |
traded in East India goods before the sea track round the Cape of Good Hope was discovered 228, 229 |
nature of the land-tax in that republic 349 |
Venison |
the price of, in Britain, does not compensate the expense of a deer park 94 |
Vicesima hereditatum |
among the ancient Romans, the nature of, explained 363 |
Villages |
how first formed 156 |
Villenage |
probable cause of the wearing out of that tenure in Europe 160, 161 |
Vineyard |
the most profitable part of agriculture, both among the ancients and moderns 65 |
great advantages derived from peculiarities of soil in 65 |
Wages |
of labour, how settled between masters and workmen 27 |
the workmen generally obliged to comply with the terms of their employers 27 |
the opposition of workmen outrageous, and seldom successful 28 |
circumstances which operate to raise wages 28 |
the extent of wages limited by the funds from which they arise 28 |
why higher in North America than in England 28 |
are low in countries that are stationary 28 |
not oppressively low in Great Britain 30 |
a distinction made here between the wages in summer and in winter 31 |
if sufficient in dear years, they must be ample in seasons of plenty 31 |
different rates of, in different places 31 |
liberal wages encourage industry and propagation 33 |
an advance of, necessarily raises the price of many commodities 36 |
an average of, not easily ascertained 37 |
the operation of high wages and high profits compared 41 |
causes of the variations of, in different employments 41 |
are generally higher in new, than in old trades 48, 57 |
legal regulations of, destroy industry and ingenuity 59, 60 |
natural effect of a direct tax upon 365 |
Walpole |
Sir Robert, his excise scheme defended 375 |
Wants |
of mankind, how supplied through the operation of labour 9, 10 |
how extended, in proportion to their supply 69 |
the far greater part of them supplied from the produce of other men's labour 111 |
Wars |
foreign, the funds for the maintenance of, in the present century, have little dependence on the quantity of gold and silver in a nation 178, 179 |
how supported by a nation of hunters 289 |
by a nation of shepherds 289 |
by a nation of husbandmen 290 |
men of military age, what proportion they bear to the whole society 290 |
feudal wars, how supported 290 |
causes which, in the advanced state of society, rendered it impossible for those who took the field, to maintain themselves 290 |
how the art of war became a distinct profession 291 |
distinction between the militia and regular forces 292 |
alteration in the art of war produced by the invention of fire-arms 292, 296 |
importance of discipline 293 |
macedonian army 294 |
carthaginian army 294 |
roman army 294 |
feudal armies 295 |
a well regulated standing army, the only defence of a civilized country, and the only means for speedily civilizing a barbarous country 296 |
the want of parsimony during peace, imposes on states the necessity of contracting debts to carry on war 386, 391 |
why war is agreeable to those who live secure from the immediate calamities of it 391 |
advantages of raising the supplies for, within the year 394 |
Watch |
movements, great reduction in the prices of, owing to mechanical improvements 103 |
Wealth |
and money, synonymous terms, in popular language 173, 182 |
spanish and Tartarian estimate of, compared 173 |
the great authority conferred by the possession of 298 |
Weavers |
the profits of, why necessarily greater than those of spinners 21 |
West Indies |
discovered by Columbus 229 |
how they obtained this name 229 |
the original native productions of 229 |
the thirst of gold the object of all the Spanish enterprises there 230 |
and of those of every other European nation 231 |
the remoteness of, greatly in favour of the European colonies there 232 |
the sugar colonies of France better governed than those of Britain 241 |
Window-tax |
in Britain, how rated 357 |
tends to reduce house rent 357 |
Windsor |
market, chronological table of the prices of corn at 109 |
Wine |
the cheapness of, would be a cause of sobriety 200 |
the carrying trade in, encouraged by English statutes 204 |
Wood |
the price of, rises in proportion as a country is cultivated 70 |
the growth of young trees prevented by cattle 70 |
when the planting of trees becomes a profitable employment 70 |
Wool |
the produce of rude countries, commonly carried to a distant market 97 |
the price of, in England, has fallen considerably since the time of Edward III. 97 |
causes of this diminution in price 98 |
the price of, considerably reduced in Scotland, by the Union with England 99 |
severity of the laws against the exportation of 268 |
restraints upon the inland commerce of 269 |
restraints upon the coasting trade of 269 |
pleas on which these restraints are founded 269 |
the price of wool depressed by these regulations 270 |
the exportation of, ought to be allowed, subject to a duty 271 |
Woollen |
cloth, the present prices of, compared with those at the close of the fifteenth century 104 |
three mechanical improvements introduced in the manufacture of 104, 105 |